Comenzamos el Legend Update hablando sobre el Cannon Shooter.
Es un Explorer mas al estilo Dual Blade, y es de la linea de los Pirates.
Se basa en el STR como su principal habilidad y la segunda es el DEX.
Tambien se basa en un compañero que es un Mono.
El Mono es un implemento un poco similar al Evan, ya que todo lo que el Cannon Shooter haga, el Mono se vera involucrado, desde hacerte porras hasta ayudarte con tus skills.
Les dejo un video de lo que es comienzo de un Cannon Shooter:
Este comienzo toma lugar en Coco Island, y en resumen, el video muestra como el Cannon Shooter conocio a su Mono que ahora estan a la par como compañeros.
Como un Explorer aparte de los normales, tienen su propio Cash Shop:
El mapa de los piratas ha cambiado debido a la nueva actualizacion... Anteriormente, con la llegada del update Jump (Pronto lo sabran cuando llegue en GMS) el mapa habia cambiado, pero despues de la actualizacion esta de Legend, cambio nuevamente, fijense lo que les digo:
Antes del Jump! [3rd]
Despues del jump! [3rd]
El Cannon Shooter puede hacer Job Advancement en Kirin, asi que no se preocupes por buscar otro NPC.
De todas maneras, han agregado un nuevo NPC al mapa de Nautilus Harbor:
Otro nuevo NPC ha aparecido en Nautilus Harbor cuando lo cambiaron nuevamente en este Update, su nombre es Valerie.
El Cannon Shooter, a pesar de ser pirata y usar armamento, no usara ningun tipo de balas, asi que el Corsair seguira siendo el job que use balas para usar sus skills.
Los Cañones (The Cannons):
Los cañones son las armas que generalmente usara el Cannon ShooterNovice Cannon
Level: 10
+32 Weapon Attack
+8 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Plain Cannon
Level: 15
Req STR: 20
Req DEX: 15
+37 Weapon Attack
+12 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Iron Bomber
Level: 20
Req STR: 30
Req DEX: 20
+42 Weapon Attack
+16 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Style Bomber
Level: 25
Req STR: 45
Req DEX: 25
+47 Weapon Attack
+20 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Level: 30
Req STR: 60
Req DEX: 30
+52 Weapon Attack
+24 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Level: 35
Req STR: 75
Req DEX: 35
+57 Weapon Attack
+28 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Range Rover
Level: 40
Req STR: 90
Req DEX: 40
+62 Weapon Attack
+32 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Level: 50
Req STR: 120
Req DEX: 50
+72 Weapon Attack
+36 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Flammenwerfer 41
Level: 60
Req STR: 150
Req DEX: 60
+82 Weapon Attack
+40 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Level: 70
Req STR: 180
Req DEX: 70
+87 Weapon Attack
+42 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Level: 80
Req STR: 210
Req DEX: 80
+92 Weapon Attack
+45 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Level: 90
Req STR: 240
Req DEX: 90
+97 Weapon Attack
+51 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Level: 100
Req STR: 270
Req DEX: 100
+102 Weapon Attack
+56 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Fiatoo Soutache
Level: 105
Req STR: 285
Req DEX: 105
+105 Weapon Attack
+61 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Dragon Hertz
Level: 110
Req STR: 300
Req DEX: 110
+107 Weapon Attack
+62 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Timeless Salvation
Level: 120
Req STR: 330
Req DEX: 120
+114 Weapon Attack
+90 Weapon DEF
+90 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Cannon Bazooka +1
Reverse Salvation
Level: 120
Req STR: 330
Req DEX: 120
+112 Weapon Attack
+88 Weapon DEF
+90 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Cannon Bazooka +1
Varnish Bearwolf Executive
Level: 130
Req STR: 400
Req DEX: 160
+8 STR
+4 DEX
+50 Accuracy
+106 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
+90 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Shark Tooth Flam
Level: 140
Req STR: 420
Req DEX: 170
+35 STR
+20 DEX
+100 Accuracy
+122 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
+90 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Cora Von Leon Siege Gun
Level: 120
Req STR: 330
Req DEX: 120
+117 Weapon Attack
+92 Weapon DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
King Pepe Artillery
Level: 35
Req STR: 75
Req DEX: 35
+62 Weapon Attack
+32 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Xerxes’s Hellcrasher
Level: 70
Req STR: 180
Req DEX: 70
+91 Weapon Attack
+45 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Slow
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Balrog’s Rhino
Level: 80
Req STR: 210
Req DEX: 80
+89 Weapon Attack
+42 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Slow
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Balrog’s Alvaro
Level: 90
Req STR: 240
Req DEX: 90
+94 Weapon Attack
+45 Weapon DEF
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Slow
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Artillery [PC Room Item]
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 20
Req STR: 30
Req DEX: 20
+52 Weapon Attack
+24 Weapon DEF
Speed: Slow
Dreadnought [PC Room Item]
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 35
Req STR: 75
Req DEX: 35
+72 Weapon Attack
+36 Weapon DEF
Speed: Slow
Flammenwerfer 41 [PC Room Item]
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 50
Req STR: 120
Req DEX: 50
+82 Weapon Attack
+40 Weapon DEF
Speed: Slow
Hellcrasher [PC Room Item]
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 60
Req STR: 150
Req DEX: 60
+87 Weapon Attack
+42 Weapon DEF
Speed: Slow
Rhino [PC Room Item]
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 70
Req STR: 180
Req DEX: 70
+92 Weapon Attack
+45 Weapon DEF
Speed: Slow
Chaos Artillery [PC Room Item]
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 35
Req STR: 60
Req DEX: 30
+71 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
Speed: Normal
Chaos Flammenwerfer 41 [PC Room Item]
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 65
Req STR: 150
Req DEX: 60
+85 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
Speed: Normal
Chaos Alvaro
[Expires on Logout]
Level: 95
Req STR: 240
Req DEX: 90
+99 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
Speed: Normal
Habilidades del Begginer (Beginner Skills)
Master of Swimming – Tu amigo pirata casi se ahogaba y fue salvado por un mono... Asi que el Cannon Shooter no dejara que eso pase de nuevo, asi que este skill hara que tu pirata nade a una velocidad muy buena y no perdera HP como los demas!
Pirate Blessing – Es un skill muy habilidoso, ya que te da la oportunidad de agregar +15 en todos los stats y 5% HP/MP! Ese botoncito que tiene al lado significa "Otros cambios". El skill es considerado un "Racial Skill", y un Racial Skill es un skill que puede ser compartido con otro Personaje de la misma cuenta, solo debes ser Lv 70 para poder hacerlo.
Storage of the Master – Este skill de verdad me encantaria tenerlo (Soy un Night Lord) y es un poco irrelevante para los Cannon Shooters porque incrementa la cantidad de slots en tu Equip, Use, ETC. y Set-up, excepto el Cash Shop que ya esta bastante expandido... Y pues, como les mencione antes, este job no usara balas o cualquier otra cosa como un Corsair o un Night Lord... Deberian dar este skill a los Night Lords y Corsairs D: Pero bueh... Asi es Nexon...
Ahora bien... pasaremos a explicar los skills de cada job, no los traducire para conservar el idioma ingles que siempre usamos en GMS, pero si bien desean en algun momento que se tradusca, no duden en notificarmelo.
1st Job
Pirate Introduction
Build Up CannonDescription: Permanently improves the defense and attack of your cannon.
Level 1: Attack +2, Physical Defense +25, Magic Defense +25.Cannon Splash
Level 2: Attack +4, Physical Defense +50, Magic Defense +50.
Level 3: Attack +6, Physical Defense +75, Magic Defense +75.
Level 4: Attack +8, Physical Defense +100, Magic Defense +100.
Level 5: Attack +10, Physical Defense +125, Magic Defense +125.
Level 6: Attack +12, Physical Defense +150, Magic Defense +150.
Level 7: Attack +14, Physical Defense +175, Magic Defense +175.
Level 8: Attack +16, Physical Defense +200, Magic Defense +200.
Level 9: Attack +18, Physical Defense +225, Magic Defense +225.
Level 10: Attack +20, Physical Defense +250, Magic Defense +250.
Description: Launch flame attacks and attack up to 3 enemies. For a period of time, the enemy will suffer continuous damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 187%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.Punching Cannon
Level 2: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 189%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 3: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 191%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 4: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 193%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 5: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 195%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 6: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 197%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 7: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 199%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 8: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 201%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 9: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 203%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 10: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 205%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 11: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 207%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 12: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 209%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 13: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 211%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 14: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 213%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 15: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 215%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 16: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 217%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 17: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 219%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 18: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 221%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 19: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 223%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Level 20: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 225%, Attacks up to 3 monsters.
Description: Cannon can punch and knockback the neareast enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 76%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.Gigantic Backstab
Level 2: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 77%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 3: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 78%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 4: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 79%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 5: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 80%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 6: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 81%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 7: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 82%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 8: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 83%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 9: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 84%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 10: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 85%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 11: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 86%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 12: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 87%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 13: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 88%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 14: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 89%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 15: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 90%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 16: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 91%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 17: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 92%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 18: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 93%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 19: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 94%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Level 20: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 95%, Attacks the enemy 3 times.
Description: During the state of emergency, avoid the enemy’s attack by firing your cannon backwards. Once attacked, there’s a chance that the enemy’s speed will be lowered.
Level 1: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 154%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 28% chance to slow down the enemy to -18 speed for 2 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 158%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 31% chance to slow down the enemy to -21 speed for 2 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 162%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 34% chance to slow down the enemy to -24 speed for 2 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 166%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 37% chance to slow down the enemy to -27 speed for 2 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 170%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 40% chance to slow down the enemy to -30 speed for 3 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 174%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 43% chance to slow down the enemy to -33 speed for 3 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 178%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 46% chance to slow down the enemy to -36 speed for 3 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 182%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 49% chance to slow down the enemy to -39 speed for 3 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 186%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 52% chance to slow down the enemy to -42 speed for 3 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 190%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 55% chance to slow down the enemy to -45 speed for 4 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 194%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 58% chance to slow down the enemy to -48 speed for 4 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 198%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 61% chance to slow down the enemy to -51 speed for 4 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 202%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 64% chance to slow down the enemy to -54 speed for 4 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 206%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 67% chance to slow down the enemy to -57 speed for 4 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 210%, Attacks up to 3 monsters, 70% chance to slow down the enemy to -60 speed for 5 seconds.
2nd Job
Cannon Shooter’s Guide
Critical FireDescription: Permanently increases your critical rate and critical minimum damage.
Level 1: Critical Damage +6%, Minimum Critical Damage +6%.Cannon Mastery
Level 2: Critical Damage +7%, Minimum Critical Damage +6%.
Level 3: Critical Damage +8%, Minimum Critical Damage +6%.
Level 4: Critical Damage +9%, Minimum Critical Damage +7%.
Level 5: Critical Damage +10%, Minimum Critical Damage +7%.
Level 6: Critical Damage +11%, Minimum Critical Damage +7%.
Level 7: Critical Damage +12%, Minimum Critical Damage +8%.
Level 8: Critical Damage +13%, Minimum Critical Damage +8%.
Level 9: Critical Damage +14%, Minimum Critical Damage +8%.
Level 10: Critical Damage +15%, Minimum Critical Damage +9%.
Level 11: Critical Damage +16%, Minimum Critical Damage +9%.
Level 12: Critical Damage +17%, Minimum Critical Damage +9%.
Level 13: Critical Damage +18%, Minimum Critical Damage +10%.
Level 14: Critical Damage +19%, Minimum Critical Damage +10%.
Level 15: Critical Damage +20%, Minimum Critical Damage +10%.
Description: Increases the cannon mastery and accuracy.
Level 1: Cannon Mastery +12%, Accuracy +6.Pirate Training
Level 2: Cannon Mastery +14%, Accuracy +12.
Level 3: Cannon Mastery +16%, Accuracy +18.
Level 4: Cannon Mastery +18%, Accuracy +24.
Level 5: Cannon Mastery +20%, Accuracy +30.
Level 6: Cannon Mastery +22%, Accuracy +36.
Level 7: Cannon Mastery +24%, Accuracy +42.
Level 8: Cannon Mastery +26%, Accuracy +48.
Level 9: Cannon Mastery +28%, Accuracy +54.
Level 10: Cannon Mastery +30%, Accuracy +60.
Level 11: Cannon Mastery +32%, Accuracy +66.
Level 12: Cannon Mastery +34%, Accuracy +72.
Level 13: Cannon Mastery +36%, Accuracy +78.
Level 14: Cannon Mastery +38%, Accuracy +84.
Level 15: Cannon Mastery +40%, Accuracy +90.
Level 16: Cannon Mastery +42%, Accuracy +96.
Level 17: Cannon Mastery +44%, Accuracy +102.
Level 18: Cannon Mastery +46%, Accuracy +108.
Level 19: Cannon Mastery +48%, Accuracy +114.
Level 20: Cannon Mastery +50%, Accuracy +120.
Description: Follow the pirates’ secret training to improve strength and dexterity.
Level 1: STR +3, DEX +3.Slug Shot
Level 2: STR +6, DEX +6.
Level 3: STR +9, DEX +9.
Level 4: STR +12, DEX +12.
Level 5: STR +15, DEX +15.
Level 6: STR +18, DEX +18.
Level 7: STR +21, DEX +21.
Level 8: STR +24, DEX +24.
Level 9: STR +27, DEX +27.
Level 10: STR +30, DEX +30.
Description: Fires a small number of shells at the same time for several feet to attack the enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 16, Damage: 163%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.Monkey Boom Rush
Level 2: MP Cost: 16, Damage: 166%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 3: MP Cost: 16, Damage: 169%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 4: MP Cost: 16, Damage: 172%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 5: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 175%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 6: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 178%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 7: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 181%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 8: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 184%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 9: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 187%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 190%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 11: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 193%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 12: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 196%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 13: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 199%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 14: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 202%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 15: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 205%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 16: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 208%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 17: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 211%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 18: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 214%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 19: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 217%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Level 20: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 220%, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.
Description: Roll the bomb-filled barrels. Barrels will explode the enemies and push them a certain distance.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 31%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 50% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 243% damage once it explodes.Cannon Booster
Level 2: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 32%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 55% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 246% damage once it explodes.
Level 3: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 33%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 55% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 249% damage once it explodes.
Level 4: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 34%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 60% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 252% damage once it explodes.
Level 5: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 35%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 60% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 255% damage once it explodes.
Level 6: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 36%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 65% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 258% damage once it explodes.
Level 7: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 37%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 65% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 261% damage once it explodes.
Level 8: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 38%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 70% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 264% damage once it explodes.
Level 9: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 39%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 70% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 267% damage once it explodes.
Level 10: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 40%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 75% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 270% damage once it explodes.
Level 11: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 41%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 75% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 273% damage once it explodes.
Level 12: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 42%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 80% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 276% damage once it explodes.
Level 13: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 43%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 80% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 279% damage once it explodes.
Level 14: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 44%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 85% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 282% damage once it explodes.
Level 15: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 45%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 85% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 285% damage once it explodes.
Level 16: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 46%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 90% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 288% damage once it explodes.
Level 17: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 47%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 90% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 291% damage once it explodes.
Level 18: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 48%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 95% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 294% damage once it explodes.
Level 19: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 49%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 95% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 297% damage once it explodes.
Level 20: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 50%, Attacks up to 8 monsters 8 times, 100% chance to knockback your enemy, Push the monsters and deal 300% damage once it explodes.
Description: Use MP to double the attack speed of your cannon. Must have a cannon equipped.
Required Skill: Cannon Mastery lv. 5
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 10 seconds.Monkey Magic
Level 2: MP Cost: 29, Duration: 20 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 28, Duration: 30 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 27, Duration: 40 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 26, Duration: 50 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 25, Duration: 60 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 24, Duration: 70 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 23, Duration: 80 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 90 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 21, Duration: 100 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 110 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 19, Duration: 120 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 18, Duration: 130 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 17, Duration: 140 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 16, Duration: 150 seconds.
Level 16: MP Cost: 15, Duration: 160 seconds.
Level 17: MP Cost: 14, Duration: 170 seconds.
Level 18: MP Cost: 13, Duration: 180 seconds.
Level 19: MP Cost: 12, Duration: 190 seconds.
Level 20: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 200 seconds.
Description: Use your monkey’s magic to increase your party members’ HP, MP, all stats, speed, jump, accuracy, and avoidability for a short period of time. This buff can be used with any other buffs.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 15 seconds, MaxHP +15, MaxMP +15, All Stats +1, Speed +1, Jump +1, Accuracy +8, Avoidability +8.
Level 2: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 30 seconds, MaxHP +30, MaxMP +30, All Stats +2, Speed +1, Jump +1, Accuracy +16, Avoidability +16.
Level 3: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 45 seconds, MaxHP +45, MaxMP +45, All Stats +3, Speed +2, Jump +1, Accuracy +24, Avoidability +24.
Level 4: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 60 seconds, MaxHP +60, MaxMP +60, All Stats +4, Speed +2, Jump +1, Accuracy +32, Avoidability +32.
Level 5: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 75 seconds, MaxHP +75, MaxMP +75, All Stats +5, Speed +3, Jump +2, Accuracy +40, Avoidability +40.
Level 6: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 90 seconds, MaxHP +90, MaxMP +90, All Stats +6, Speed +3, Jump +2, Accuracy +48, Avoidability +48.
Level 7: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 105 seconds, MaxHP +105, MaxMP +105, All Stats +7, Speed +4, Jump +2, Accuracy +56, Avoidability +56.
Level 8: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 120 seconds, MaxHP +120, MaxMP +120, All Stats +8, Speed +4, Jump +2, Accuracy +64, Avoidability +64.
Level 9: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 135 seconds, MaxHP +135, MaxMP +135, All Stats +9, Speed +5, Jump +3, Accuracy +72, Avoidability +72.
Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 150 seconds, MaxHP +150, MaxMP +150, All Stats +10, Speed +5, Jump +3, Accuracy +80, Avoidability +80.
Level 11: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 165 seconds, MaxHP +165, MaxMP +165, All Stats +11, Speed +6, Jump +3, Accuracy +88, Avoidability +88.
Level 12: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 180 seconds, MaxHP +180, MaxMP +180, All Stats +12, Speed +6, Jump +3, Accuracy +96, Avoidability +96.
Level 13: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 195 seconds, MaxHP +195, MaxMP +195, All Stats +13, Speed +7, Jump +4, Accuracy +104, Avoidability +104.
Level 14: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 210 seconds, MaxHP +210, MaxMP +210, All Stats +14, Speed +7, Jump +4, Accuracy +112, Avoidability +112.
Level 15: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 225 seconds, MaxHP +225, MaxMP +225, All Stats +15, Speed +8, Jump +4, Accuracy +120, Avoidability +120.
Level 16: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 240 seconds, MaxHP +240, MaxMP +240, All Stats +16, Speed +8, Jump +4, Accuracy +128, Avoidability +128.
Level 17: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 255 seconds, MaxHP +255, MaxMP +255, All Stats +17, Speed +9, Jump +5, Accuracy +136, Avoidability +136.
Level 18: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 270 seconds, MaxHP +270, MaxMP +270, All Stats +18, Speed +9, Jump +5, Accuracy +144, Avoidability +144.
Level 19: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 285 seconds, MaxHP +285, MaxMP +285, All Stats +19, Speed +10, Jump +5, Accuracy +152, Avoidability +152.
Level 20: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +300, MaxMP +300, All Stats +20, Speed +10, Jump +5, Accuracy +160, Avoidability +160.
3rd Job
Cannon Blaster’s Path
Cannon ReinforcementDescription: Permanently enforces the damage and attack speed of your cannon.
Level 1: Permanently increases your damage by 2, Attack speed increased by 1.Extremely Vital
Level 2: Permanently increases your damage by 4, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 3: Permanently increases your damage by 6, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 4: Permanently increases your damage by 8, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 5: Permanently increases your damage by 10, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 6: Permanently increases your damage by 12, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 7: Permanently increases your damage by 14, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 8: Permanently increases your damage by 16, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 9: Permanently increases your damage by 18, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 10: Permanently increases your damage by 20, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 11: Permanently increases your damage by 22, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 12: Permanently increases your damage by 24, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 13: Permanently increases your damage by 26, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 14: Permanently increases your damage by 28, Attack speed increased by 1.
Level 15: Permanently increases your damage by 30, Attack speed increased by 1.
Description: Permanently enhances your cannon.
Level 1: MaxHP: +1%, Weapon DEF: +12%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +1%.Counterattack’s Shooter
Level 2: MaxHP: +2%, Weapon DEF: +14%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +2%.
Level 3: MaxHP: +3%, Weapon DEF: +16%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +3%.
Level 4: MaxHP: +4%, Weapon DEF: +18%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +4%.
Level 5: MaxHP: +5%, Weapon DEF: +20%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +5%.
Level 6: MaxHP: +6%, Weapon DEF: +22%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +6%.
Level 7: MaxHP: +7%, Weapon DEF: +24%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +7%.
Level 8: MaxHP: +8%, Weapon DEF: +26%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +8%.
Level 9: MaxHP: +9%, Weapon DEF: +28%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +9%.
Level 10: MaxHP: +10%, Weapon DEF: +30%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +10%.
Level 11: MaxHP: +11%, Weapon DEF: +32%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +11%.
Level 12: MaxHP: +12%, Weapon DEF: +34%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +12%.
Level 13: MaxHP: +13%, Weapon DEF: +36%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +13%.
Level 14: MaxHP: +14%, Weapon DEF: +38%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +14%.
Level 15: MaxHP: +15%, Weapon DEF: +40%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +15%.
Level 16: MaxHP: +16%, Weapon DEF: +42%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +16%.
Level 17: MaxHP: +17%, Weapon DEF: +44%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +17%.
Level 18: MaxHP: +18%, Weapon DEF: +46%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +18%.
Level 19: MaxHP: +19%, Weapon DEF: +48%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +19%.
Level 20: MaxHP: +20%, Weapon DEF: +50%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +20%.
Description: Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack.
Level 1: Proc Rate: 6%, Damage: 104%.Cannon Spike
Level 2: Proc Rate: 7%, Damage: 108%.
Level 3: Proc Rate: 8%, Damage: 112%.
Level 4: Proc Rate: 9%, Damage: 116%.
Level 5: Proc Rate: 10%, Damage: 120%.
Level 6: Proc Rate: 11%, Damage: 124%.
Level 7: Proc Rate: 12%, Damage: 128%.
Level 8: Proc Rate: 13%, Damage: 132%.
Level 9: Proc Rate: 14%, Damage: 136%.
Level 10: Proc Rate: 15%, Damage: 140%.
Level 11: Proc Rate: 16%, Damage: 144%.
Level 12: Proc Rate: 17%, Damage: 148%.
Level 13: Proc Rate: 18%, Damage: 152%.
Level 14: Proc Rate: 19%, Damage: 156%.
Level 15: Proc Rate: 20%, Damage: 160%.
Description: Point your cannon at your enemies and a shell will be fired to attack them.
Level 1: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 222%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.Monkey Power Boom
Level 2: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 224%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 3: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 226%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 4: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 228%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 230%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 6: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 232%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 7: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 234%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 8: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 236%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 9: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 238%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 10: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 240%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 11: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 242%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 12: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 244%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 13: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 246%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 14: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 248%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 15: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 250%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 16: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 252%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 17: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 254%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 18: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 256%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 19: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 258%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Level 20: MP Cost: 36, Damage: 260%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 3 times.
Description: Plant a special bomb that will attack many enemies at the same time and stun them for a short period of time. In addition, the damage of Monkey Boom Rush will permanently increase.
Required Skill: Monkey Boom Rush lv.20
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 223%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 45% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.Monkey Wave
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 3%.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 226%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 50% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 3%.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 229%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 50% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 6%.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 232%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 55% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 6%.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 235%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 55% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 9%.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 238%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 60% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 9%.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 241%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 60% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 12%.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 244%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 65% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 12%.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost: 34, Damage: 247%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 65% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 15%.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost: 38, Damage: 250%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 70% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 15%.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost: 38, Damage: 253%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 70% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 18%.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost: 38, Damage: 256%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 75% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 18%.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost: 38, Damage: 259%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 75% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 21%.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost: 38, Damage: 262%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 80% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 21%.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 265%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 80% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 24%.
Level 16: Active Effects: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 268%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 85% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 24%.
Level 17: Active Effects: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 271%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 85% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 27%.
Level 18: Active Effects: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 274%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 90% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 27%.
Level 19: Active Effects: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 277%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 90% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 30%.
Level 20: Active Effects: MP Cost: 46, Damage: 280%, Attacks up to 10 monsters 5 time, 95% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently increases the damage of Monkey Boom Rush by 30%.
Description: Get your monkey’s noise up and attack surrounding enemies. As you collect power, your monkey will be able to create a big noise that will be heard for a wide range, and if the maximum possible output is done, there’s a chance to hit a critical attack.
Level 1: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 620%, 45% chance to stun, 2% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.Cannon Jump
Level 2: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 640%, 50% chance to stun, 2% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 3: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 660%, 50% chance to stun, 4% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 4: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 680%, 55% chance to stun, 4% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 5: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 700%, 55% chance to stun, 6% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 6: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 720%, 60% chance to stun, 6% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 7: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 740%, 60% chance to stun, 8% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 8: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 760%, 65% chance to stun, 8% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 9: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 780%, 65% chance to stun, 10% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 10: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 800%, 70% chance to stun, 10% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 11: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 820%, 70% chance to stun, 12% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 12: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 840%, 75% chance to stun, 12% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 13: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 860%, 75% chance to stun, 14% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 14: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 880%, 80% chance to stun, 14% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 15: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 900%, 80% chance to stun, 16% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 16: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 920%, 85% chance to stun, 16% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 17: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 940%, 85% chance to stun, 18% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 18: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 960%, 90% chance to stun, 18% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 19: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 980%, 90% chance to stun, 20% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Level 20: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 1000%, 95% chance to stun, 20% chance to hit a critical attack when the maximum possible output is done.
Description: Launch your cannon from the ground and jump high and recoil. Jumping off the ground also damages the enemy.
Level 1: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 168%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.Oak Barrel Roulette
Level 2: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 171%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 3: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 174%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 4: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 177%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 5: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 180%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 6: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 183%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 7: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 186%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 8: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 189%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 9: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 192%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 10: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 195%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 11: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 198%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 12: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 201%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 13: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 204%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 14: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 207%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 210%, Jumps over a maximum of 6 monsters and damages them.
Description: Detonate oak barrels and get a random buff. The buffs have a chance to curse your enemy for a short period of time.
Level 1: MP Cost: 35, Buff Duration: 186 seconds. Has a 3% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 3 seconds.Los Buffs:
Cooltime: 57 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 40, Buff Duration: 192 seconds. Has a 6% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 3 seconds.
Cooltime: 54 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 40, Buff Duration: 198 seconds. Has a 9% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 3 seconds.
Cooltime: 51 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 45, Buff Duration: 204 seconds. Has a 12% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 3 seconds.
Cooltime: 48 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 45, Buff Duration: 210 seconds. Has a 15% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 4 seconds.
Cooltime: 45 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 50, Buff Duration: 216 seconds. Has a 18% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 4 seconds.
Cooltime: 42 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 50, Buff Duration: 222 seconds. Has a 21% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 4 seconds.
Cooltime: 39 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 55, Buff Duration: 228 seconds. Has a 24% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 4 seconds.
Cooltime: 36 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 55, Buff Duration: 234 seconds. Has a 27% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 4 seconds.
Cooltime: 33 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 60, Buff Duration: 240 seconds. Has a 30% chance to curse your enemies with darkness, stun, freeze, or slow for 5 seconds.
Cooltime: 30 seconds.
Roll of the Dice
Description: Test your luck! Roll a dice to get a random buff. Roll 1: nothing, Roll 2: +30% physical defense, Roll 3: +20% hp and mp, Roll 4: +15% critical rate, Roll 5: +20% damage, and Roll 6: +30% experience.
Level 1: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 66 seconds.
Cooltime: 500 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 72 seconds.
Cooltime: 470 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 78 seconds.
Cooltime: 470 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 84 seconds.
Cooltime: 440 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 90 seconds.
Cooltime: 440 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 96 seconds.
Cooltime: 410 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 102 seconds.
Cooltime: 410 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 108 seconds.
Cooltime: 380 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 114 seconds.
Cooltime: 380 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 120 seconds.
Cooltime: 350 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 126 seconds.
Cooltime: 350 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 132 seconds.
Cooltime: 320 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 138 seconds.
Cooltime: 320 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 144 seconds.
Cooltime: 290 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 150 seconds.
Cooltime: 290 seconds.
Level 16: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 156 seconds.
Cooltime: 260 seconds.
Level 17: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 162 seconds.
Cooltime: 260 seconds.
Level 18: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 168 seconds.
Cooltime: 230 seconds.
Level 19: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 174 seconds.
Cooltime: 230 seconds.
Level 20: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 180 seconds.
Cooltime: 200 seconds.
4th Job
The Completion of the Cannon Master
Double Lucky DiceDescription: Test your luck! Roll 2 dice at once to get a special buff. If you roll two of the same numbers, a more powerful buff will be applied.
Required Skill: Roll of the Dice lv. 20
Level 1: MP Cost: 60, 10% chance of rolling two dice, Buff Duration: 184 seconds.Hyper Monkey Spell
Cooltime: 200 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 60, 20% chance of rolling two dice, Buff Duration: 188 seconds.
Cooltime: 200 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 60, 30% chance of rolling two dice, Buff Duration: 192 seconds.
Cooltime: 200 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 60, 40% chance of rolling two dice, Buff Duration: 196 seconds.
Cooltime: 200 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 60, 50% chance of rolling two dice, Buff Duration: 200 seconds.
Cooltime: 200 seconds.
Description: Enhances the Monkey Magic skill.
Required skill: Monkey Magic lv. 20
Level 1: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +323, MaxMP +323, All Stats +25, Speed +11, Jump +6, Accuracy +163, Avoidability +163.Overburning Cannon
Level 2: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +336, MaxMP +336, All Stats +26, Speed +11, Jump +6, Accuracy +166, Avoidability +166.
Level 3: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +349, MaxMP +349, All Stats +26, Speed +11, Jump +6, Accuracy +169, Avoidability +169.
Level 4: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +362, MaxMP +362, All Stats +27, Speed +11, Jump +6, Accuracy +172, Avoidability +172.
Level 5: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +375, MaxMP +375, All Stats +27, Speed +11, Jump +6, Accuracy +175, Avoidability +175.
Level 6: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +388, MaxMP +388, All Stats +28, Speed +11, Jump +6, Accuracy +178, Avoidability +178.
Level 7: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +401, MaxMP +401, All Stats +28, Speed +12, Jump +7, Accuracy +181, Avoidability +181.
Level 8: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +414, MaxMP +414, All Stats +29, Speed +12, Jump +7, Accuracy +184, Avoidability +184.
Level 9: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +427, MaxMP +427, All Stats +29, Speed +12, Jump +7, Accuracy +187, Avoidability +187.
Level 10: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +440, MaxMP +440, All Stats +30, Speed +12, Jump +7, Accuracy +190, Avoidability +190.
Level 11: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +453, MaxMP +453, All Stats +30, Speed +12, Jump +7, Accuracy +193, Avoidability +193.
Level 12: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +466, MaxMP +466, All Stats +31, Speed +12, Jump +7, Accuracy +196, Avoidability +196.
Level 13: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +479, MaxMP +479, All Stats +31, Speed +13, Jump +8, Accuracy +199, Avoidability +199.
Level 14: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +492, MaxMP +492, All Stats +32, Speed +13, Jump +8, Accuracy +202, Avoidability +202.
Level 15: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +505, MaxMP +505, All Stats +32, Speed +13, Jump +8, Accuracy +205, Avoidability +205.
Level 16: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +518, MaxMP +518, All Stats +33, Speed +13, Jump +8, Accuracy +208, Avoidability +208.
Level 17: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +531, MaxMP +531, All Stats +33, Speed +13, Jump +8, Accuracy +211, Avoidability +211.
Level 18: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +544, MaxMP +544, All Stats +34, Speed +13, Jump +8, Accuracy +214, Avoidability +214.
Level 19: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +557, MaxMP +557, All Stats +34, Speed +14, Jump +9, Accuracy +217, Avoidability +217.
Level 20: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +570, MaxMP +570, All Stats +35, Speed +14, Jump +9, Accuracy +220, Avoidability +220.
Level 21: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +583, MaxMP +583, All Stats +35, Speed +14, Jump +9, Accuracy +223, Avoidability +223.
Level 22: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +596, MaxMP +596, All Stats +36, Speed +14, Jump +9, Accuracy +226, Avoidability +226.
Level 23: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +609, MaxMP +609, All Stats +36, Speed +14, Jump +9, Accuracy +229, Avoidability +229.
Level 24: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +622, MaxMP +622, All Stats +37, Speed +14, Jump +9, Accuracy +232, Avoidability +232.
Level 25: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +635, MaxMP +635, All Stats +37, Speed +15, Jump +10, Accuracy +235, Avoidability +235.
Level 26: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +648, MaxMP +648, All Stats +38, Speed +15, Jump +10, Accuracy +238, Avoidability +238.
Level 27: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +661, MaxMP +661, All Stats +38, Speed +15, Jump +10, Accuracy +241, Avoidability +241.
Level 28: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +674, MaxMP +674, All Stats +39, Speed +15, Jump +10, Accuracy +244, Avoidability +244.
Level 29: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +687, MaxMP +687, All Stats +39, Speed +15, Jump +10, Accuracy +247, Avoidability +247.
Level 30: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 300 seconds, MaxHP +700, MaxMP +700, All Stats +40, Speed +15, Jump +10, Accuracy +250, Avoidability +250.
Description: Extremely increases your cannon’s performance permanently. In addition, there’s a chance of ignoring the enemy’s defense when attacking.
Level 1: Permanently increases your damage by 11%, Ignores 5% of monster’s DEF.Cannon Bazooka
Level 2: Permanently increases your damage by 12%, Ignores 6% of monster’s DEF.
Level 3: Permanently increases your damage by 13%, Ignores 6% of monster’s DEF.
Level 4: Permanently increases your damage by 14%, Ignores 7% of monster’s DEF.
Level 5: Permanently increases your damage by 15%, Ignores 7% of monster’s DEF.
Level 6: Permanently increases your damage by 16%, Ignores 8% of monster’s DEF.
Level 7: Permanently increases your damage by 17%, Ignores 8% of monster’s DEF.
Level 8: Permanently increases your damage by 18%, Ignores 9% of monster’s DEF.
Level 9: Permanently increases your damage by 19%, Ignores 9% of monster’s DEF.
Level 10: Permanently increases your damage by 20%, Ignores 10% of monster’s DEF.
Level 11: Permanently increases your damage by 21%, Ignores 10% of monster’s DEF.
Level 12: Permanently increases your damage by 22%, Ignores 11% of monster’s DEF.
Level 13: Permanently increases your damage by 23%, Ignores 11% of monster’s DEF.
Level 14: Permanently increases your damage by 24%, Ignores 12% of monster’s DEF.
Level 15: Permanently increases your damage by 25%, Ignores 12% of monster’s DEF.
Level 16: Permanently increases your damage by 26%, Ignores 13% of monster’s DEF.
Level 17: Permanently increases your damage by 27%, Ignores 13% of monster’s DEF.
Level 18: Permanently increases your damage by 28%, Ignores 14% of monster’s DEF.
Level 19: Permanently increases your damage by 29%, Ignores 14% of monster’s DEF.
Level 20: Permanently increases your damage by 30%, Ignores 15% of monster’s DEF.
Level 21: Permanently increases your damage by 31%, Ignores 15% of monster’s DEF.
Level 22: Permanently increases your damage by 32%, Ignores 16% of monster’s DEF.
Level 23: Permanently increases your damage by 33%, Ignores 16% of monster’s DEF.
Level 24: Permanently increases your damage by 34%, Ignores 17% of monster’s DEF.
Level 25: Permanently increases your damage by 35%, Ignores 17% of monster’s DEF.
Level 26: Permanently increases your damage by 36%, Ignores 18% of monster’s DEF.
Level 27: Permanently increases your damage by 37%, Ignores 18% of monster’s DEF.
Level 28: Permanently increases your damage by 38%, Ignores 19% of monster’s DEF.
Level 29: Permanently increases your damage by 39%, Ignores 19% of monster’s DEF.
Level 30: Permanently increases your damage by 40%, Ignores 20% of monster’s DEF.
Description: Cannon launches a powerful attack to damage multiple enemies in front of you at once.
Level 1: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 534%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.Nautilus Battleship
Level 2: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 538%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 3: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 542%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 4: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 546%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 5: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 550%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 6: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 554%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 7: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 558%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 8: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 562%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 9: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 566%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 10: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 570%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 11: MP Cost: 55, Damage: 574%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 12: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 578%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 13: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 582%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 14: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 586%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 15: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 590%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 16: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 594%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 17: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 598%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 18: MP Cost: 65, Damage: 602%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 19: MP Cost: 65, Damage: 606%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 20: MP Cost: 65, Damage: 610%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 21: MP Cost: 65, Damage: 614%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 22: MP Cost: 65, Damage: 618%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 23: MP Cost: 65, Damage: 622%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 24: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 626%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 25: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 630%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 26: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 634%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 27: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 638%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 28: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 642%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 29: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 646%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Level 30: MP Cost: 75, Damage: 650%, Attacks up to 6 monsters 2 times.
Description: Call the battleship of Nautilus to attack multiple enemies at once a number of times.
Level 1: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 404%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.Magnetic Anchor
Cooltime: 60 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 408%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 58 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 412%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 58 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 416%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 56 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 420%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 56 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 424%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 54 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 428%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 54 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 432%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 52 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 436%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 52 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 440%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 50 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 444%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 50 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 448%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 48 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 452%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 48 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 456%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 46 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 460%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 46 seconds.
Level 16: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 464%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 44 seconds.
Level 17: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 468%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 44 seconds.
Level 18: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 472%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 42 seconds.
Level 19: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 476%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 42 seconds.
Level 20: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 480%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 40 seconds.
Level 21: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 484%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 40 seconds.
Level 22: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 488%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 38 seconds.
Level 23: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 492%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 38 seconds.
Level 24: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 496%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 36 seconds.
Level 25: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 500%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 36 seconds.
Level 26: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 504%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 34 seconds.
Level 27: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 508%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 34 seconds.
Level 28: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 512%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 32 seconds.
Level 29: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 516%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 32 seconds.
Level 30: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 520%, Attacks up to 15 monsters 3 times.
Cooltime: 30 seconds.
Description: Install anchors to generate a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field formed will consistently attack monsters in between the anchors. In addition, the anchors will blow and deal fatal damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 62, Duration: 6, Constant damage: 220%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 508% damage.Supporting Monkey Twin
Level 2: MP Cost: 62, Duration: 7, Constant damage: 240%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 516% damage.
Level 3: MP Cost: 62, Duration: 8, Constant damage: 260%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 524% damage.
Level 4: MP Cost: 62, Duration: 9, Constant damage: 280%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 532% damage.
Level 5: MP Cost: 62, Duration: 10, Constant damage: 300%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 540% damage.
Level 6: MP Cost: 74, Duration: 11, Constant damage: 320%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 548% damage.
Level 7: MP Cost: 74, Duration: 12, Constant damage: 340%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 556% damage.
Level 8: MP Cost: 74, Duration: 13, Constant damage: 360%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 564% damage.
Level 9: MP Cost: 74, Duration: 14, Constant damage: 380%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 572% damage.
Level 10: MP Cost: 74, Duration: 15, Constant damage: 400%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 580% damage.
Level 11: MP Cost: 86, Duration: 16, Constant damage: 420%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 588% damage.
Level 12: MP Cost: 86, Duration: 17, Constant damage: 440%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 596% damage.
Level 13: MP Cost: 86, Duration: 18, Constant damage: 460%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 604% damage.
Level 14: MP Cost: 86, Duration: 19, Constant damage: 480%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 612% damage.
Level 15: MP Cost: 86, Duration: 20, Constant damage: 500%. When the anchors self-destruct, deals 620% damage.
Description: Summon your monkey’s elite twin to help in fighting enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 32, Damage: 280%.Maple Warrior
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 34, Damage: 285%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 36, Damage: 290%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 38, Damage: 295%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 40, Damage: 300%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 42, Damage: 305%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 44, Damage: 310%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 46, Damage: 315%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 48, Damage: 320%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 50, Damage: 325%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 52, Damage: 330%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 54, Damage: 335%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 56, Damage: 340%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 58, Damage: 345%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 60, Damage: 350%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Description: Increases the stats of all party members.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec.Hero’s Will”
Level 2: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 60 sec.
Level 3: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +2%, Duration: 90 sec.
Level 4: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +2%, Duration: 120 sec.
Level 5: MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +3%, Duration: 150 sec.
Level 6: MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +3%, Duration: 180 sec.
Level 7: MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +4%, Duration: 210 sec.
Level 8: MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +4%, Duration: 240 sec.
Level 9: MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +5%, Duration: 270 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +5%, Duration: 300 sec.
Level 11: MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +6%, Duration: 330 sec.
Level 12: MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +6%, Duration: 360 sec.
Level 13: MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +7%, Duration: 390 sec.
Level 14: MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +7%, Duration: 420 sec.
Level 15: MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +8%, Duration: 450 sec.
Level 16: MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +8%, Duration: 480 sec.
Level 17: MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +9%, Duration: 510 sec.
Level 18: MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +9%, Duration: 540 sec.
Level 19: MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +10%, Duration: 570 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +10%, Duration: 600 sec.
Level 21: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 630 sec.
Level 22: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 660 sec.
Level 23: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 690 sec.
Level 24: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 720 sec.
Level 25: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +13%, Duration: 750 sec.
Level 26: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +13%, Duration: 780 sec.
Level 27: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +14%, Duration: 810 sec.
Level 28: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +14%, Duration: 840 sec.
Level 29: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 870 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec.
Description: Cures you from being Seduced. The cooldown decreases as the skill level increases.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec.Pirate Spirit
Level 2: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 540 sec.
Level 3: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 480 sec.
Level 4: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 420 sec.
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec.
Description: Permanently increases the chance of granting addition damage after an attack. Also, when using this skill, the enemies’ attacks will not hold you back.
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost 50, Duration: 10, 22% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.Cannon Buster
Passive Effects: Permanent 1% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost 50, Duration: 20, 24% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 1% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost 50, Duration: 30, 26% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 2% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost 50, Duration: 40, 28% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 2% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost 55, Duration: 50, 30% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 3% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost 55, Duration: 60, 32% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 3% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost 55, Duration: 70, 34% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 4% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost 55, Duration: 80, 36% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 4% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost 55, Duration: 90, 38% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 5% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost 60, Duration: 100, 40% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 5% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost 60, Duration: 110, 42% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 6% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost 60, Duration: 120, 44% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 6% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost 60, Duration: 130, 46% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 7% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost 60, Duration: 140, 48% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 7% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost 65, Duration: 150, 50% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 8% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 16: Active Effects: MP Cost 65, Duration: 160, 52% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 8% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 17: Active Effects: MP Cost 65, Duration: 170, 54% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 9% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 18: Active Effects: MP Cost 65, Duration: 180, 56% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 9% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 19: Active Effects: MP Cost 65, Duration: 190, 58% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 10% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 20: Active Effects: MP Cost 70, Duration: 200, 60% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 10% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 21: Active Effects: MP Cost 70, Duration: 210, 62% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 11% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 22: Active Effects: MP Cost 70, Duration: 220, 64% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 11% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 23: Active Effects: MP Cost 70, Duration: 230, 66% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 12% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 24: Active Effects: MP Cost 70, Duration: 240, 68% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 12% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 25: Active Effects: MP Cost 75, Duration: 250, 70% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 13% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 26: Active Effects: MP Cost 75, Duration: 260, 72% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 13% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 27: Active Effects: MP Cost 75, Duration: 270, 74% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 14% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 28: Active Effects: MP Cost 75, Duration: 280, 76% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 14% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 29: Active Effects: MP Cost 75, Duration: 290, 78% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 15% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Level 30: Active Effects: MP Cost 80, Duration: 300, 80% chance to not get knocked back by the enemy’s attack.
Passive Effects: Permanent 15% chance of granting additional damage after attacking.
Description: Fires the enemies in front of you.
Level 1: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 218%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 1% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 2: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 221%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 1% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 3: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 224%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 2% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 4: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 227%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 2% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 5: MP Cost: 48, Damage: 230%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 3% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 6: MP Cost: 48, Damage: 233%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 3% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 7: MP Cost: 48, Damage: 236%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 4% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 8: MP Cost: 48, Damage: 239%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 4% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 9: MP Cost: 48, Damage: 242%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 5% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 10: MP Cost: 51, Damage: 245%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 5% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 11: MP Cost: 51, Damage: 248%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 6% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 12: MP Cost: 51, Damage: 251%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 6% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 13: MP Cost: 51, Damage: 254%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 7% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 14: MP Cost: 51, Damage: 257%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 7% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 15: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 260%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 8% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 16: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 263%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 8% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 17: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 266%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 9% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 18: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 269%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 9% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 19: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 272%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 10% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 20: MP Cost: 57, Damage: 275%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 10% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 21: MP Cost: 57, Damage: 278%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 11% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 22: MP Cost: 57, Damage: 281%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 11% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 23: MP Cost: 57, Damage: 284%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 12% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 24: MP Cost: 57, Damage: 287%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 12% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 25: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 290%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 13% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 26: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 293%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 13% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 27: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 296%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 14% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 28: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 299%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 14% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 29: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 302%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 15% Critical Chance will be added.
Level 30: MP Cost: 63, Damage: 305%, Attacks the enemy 5 times, 15% Critical Chance will be added.
Mastery Books
Algunos Mastery Books tienen diferente iconos, puesto que ya saben que no todo esta completamente hecho en si... Pero no se confundan si ven un skill de 3rd Job en alguno de los Mastery Books, recuerden que todo esto son skills de 4th Job para los Cannon Shooters.~~
Cannon Bazooka 20
Cannon Bazooka 30
Nautilus Battleship 20
Nautilus Battleship 30
Pirate Spirit 20
Pirate Spirit 30
Hyper Monkey Spell 20
Hyper Monkey Spell 30
Cannon Buster 20
Cannon Buster 30
Overburning Cannon 20
Overburning Cannon 30
Ahora bien, es algo raro ver esto, pero parece que es otro evento :) Pues les explicare porque... En el Update Jump, hubo un evento en el cual podias obtener un Mastery Book 30 que funcione al 100%, sin necesidad de usar un Mastery Book 20, es decir, saltabas de usar el Mastery Book 20 al tener el skill Lv 5, ahora solo debes usarlo y Boom, podras maxear tu skill a 30! Entonces este mismo evento parece ser que se avecina para este Update... No es divertido? xD!
Cannon Bazooka 30 [100%]
Nautilus Battleship 30 [100%]
Magnetic Anchor 30 [100%]
Overburning Cannon 30 [100%]
Cannon Buster 30 [100%]
Bien... Eso ha sido todo sobre el Cannon Shooter, ahora a esperarlos en GMS!
Rezeiha ~!
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