sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

Korean MapleStory: Legend Update - Mercedes

La Segunda Parte del Legend Update:

Asi es! Esta es la segunda parte donde ha salido otro de los Personajes que nos trae este nuevo Update: Mercedes!

Puedo decirles que es un buen personaje y muy original, un poco basado en lo que es la tactica del Dual Blade en cuanto a las armas... Pero lo que trae es demasiado bueno :)

Aca les dejo el trailer de la Mercedes:

El fondo del download en Korean MapleStory:

¿Que es el Mercedes?... Lo que todo queremos conocer.

Es uno de los 5 Legends que lucharon con el Black Mage, asi que se suma uno mas al equipo. Y repito... es Legend, no Explorer. Tengan en cuenta que al igual que todos los Legends, tendra su propio Cash Shop.

Vamos con lo que es la creación del Mercedes...

Se podran dar de cuenta que no es como los demas, aqui eliges el genero de tu Mercedes.

Los Mercedes tienen su propio estilo, asi que no puedes cambiarle otra cosa, excepto sus ojos que puedes elegir entre los siguientes 2 tanto para el hombre como para la mujer:

Mercedes tiene sus Job Advancements normales, pero solo necesitas hacerle tu mismo el Job Advancement en la segunda etapa, es decir, el 2do Job Advancement, los demas, los hara automaticamente, el 10, 70 y 120.

Arcos y Flechas (Dual Bow Guns & Magic Arrows)

Los Mercedes necesitan un arco llamado Dual Bow Gun, que son como la Crossbow pero mas pequeños y una en cada mano y se accionan como si dispararas un Gun, esto hace que Mercedes use ambas manos para usar esta arma, por lo que no requerira de otra cosa adicional, como otro tipo de arma o un escudo.

Tambien usan flechas magicas (Magic Arrows), es algo similar al Corsair, que va usando una diferente en cierto nivel y con mayor ataque, pero esta tiene su estilo unico.

Ahora observen las Magic Arrows y las Dual Bow Gun:

Magic Arrows (Flechas Magicas):
Magic Arrow
Level: 10
Sharp Magic Arrow
Level: 30
Eternal Magic Arrow
Level: 70
Infinite Magic Arrow
Level: 120
Magic Arrow
Level: 0
Magic Arrow
Level: 10
Sharp Magic Arrow
Level: 30
Eternal Magic Arrow
Level: 70
Dual Bow Guns:
Dual Basis
Level: 10
+25 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Dual Light
Level: 15
Req STR: 20
Req DEX: 40
+30 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Elvish Dual Bow Gun
Level: 20
Req STR: 25
Req DEX: 65
+35 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Nature Vine
Level: 25
Req STR: 30
Req DEX: 80
+40 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Double Wing
Level: 30
Req STR: 35
Req DEX: 95
+45 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Lilly Pride
Level: 35
Req STR: 40
Req DEX: 110
+50 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Level: 40
Req STR: 45
Req DEX: 125
+55 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Level: 50
Req STR: 55
Req DEX: 160
+65 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Moon Glory
Level: 60
Req STR: 65
Req DEX: 185
+75 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Level: 70
Req STR: 75
Req DEX: 205
+80 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Silpheed Great Kaia
Level: 80
Req STR: 85
Req DEX: 225
+85 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Highness Will
Level: 90
Req STR: 95
Req DEX: 245
+90 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Level: 100
Req STR: 105
Req DEX: 265
+95 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Knarr Shell
Only available from ordering.
Level: 105
Req STR: 110
Req DEX: 275
+98 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Dragon Highness
Level: 110
Req STR: 115
Req DEX: 285
+100 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Timeless Pony
+1 on Ring of Isthar
Level: 120
Req STR: 125
Req DEX: 305
+12 Speed
+107 Weapon Attack
+90 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Imposible tradearlo una vez equipado.

Reverse Pony
+1 on Ring of Isthar
Level: 120
Req STR: 125
Req DEX: 305
+12 Speed
+105 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Imposible tradearlo una vez equipado.

Bloody Dual Bow Gun
Level: 130
Req STR: 160
Req DEX: 400
+4 STR
+8 DEX
+50 Accuracy
+111 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
+90 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Imposible tradearlo una vez equipado.

Gran Falcon Wing Dual Bow Gun
Level: 140
Req STR: 170
Req DEX: 420
+20 STR
+35 DEX
+100 Accuracy
+128 Weapon Attack
+100 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Imposible tradear una vez equipado.

Pax Leon Dual Bow Gun
Level: 120
Req STR: 125
Req DEX: 305
+109 Weapon Attack
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Pony Abyss
Level: 125
Req STR: 125
Req DEX: 305
+4 STR
+9 DEX
+110 Weapon Attack
+80 Charm EXP
+80 Charisma EXP
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Imposible tradear una vez equipado.

Peerless Pony
Level: 125
Req STR: 125
Req DEX: 305
+4 STR
+11 DEX
+112 Weapon Attack
+90 Charm EXP
+90 Charisma EXP
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.
Imposible tradear una vez equipado.

Celyn Von Leon Dual Bow Gun
Level: 125
Req STR: 125
Req DEX: 305
+6 DEX
+112 Weapon Attack
+90 Charm EXP
+90 Charisma EXP
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Dragonic Knarr Shell
Only available from ordering.
Level: 105
Req STR: 110
Req DEX: 275
+50 MaxHP
+20 MaxMP
+30 Accuracy
+108 Weapon Attack
+60 Charm EXP
+60 Charisma EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Premium Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Legend Silpheed Great Kaia
Level: 80
Req DEX: 225
+89 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Imposible tradear una vez equipado.

Legend Highness Will
Level: 90
Req DEX: 245
+11 Speed
+95 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Imposible tradear una vez equipado.

Legend Retina
Level: 100
Req DEX: 265
+100 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Imposible tradear una vez equipado.

Legend Dragon Highness
Level: 110
Req DEX: 285
+105 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Imposible tradear una vez equipado.

Dual Basis
Level: 10
+25 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Dual Light
Level: 15
Req STR: 20
Req DEX: 40
+30 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Elvish Dual Bow Gun
Level: 20
Req STR: 20
Req DEX: 40
+30 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Nature Vine
Level: 25
Req STR: 30
Req DEX: 80
+40 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Double Wing
Level: 30
Req STR: 35
Req DEX: 95
+45 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Lilly Pride
Level: 35
Req STR: 40
Req DEX: 110
+50 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Level: 40
Req STR: 45
Req DEX: 125
+55 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Level: 50
Req STR: 55
Req DEX: 160
+65 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Moon Glory
Level: 60
Req STR: 65
Req DEX: 185
+75 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Level: 70
Req STR: 75
Req DEX: 205
+80 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Silpheed Great Kaia
Level: 0
+17 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Fast

Dual Basis
PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 20
Req STR: 20
Req DEX: 40
+45 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Double Wing
PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 35
Req STR: 40
Req DEX: 110
+65 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Moon Glory
PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 50
Req STR: 55
Req DEX: 160
+75 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 60
Req STR: 65
Req DEX: 185
+80 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Silpheed Great Kaia
PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 70
Req STR: 75
Req DEX: 205
+85 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Chaos Double Wing
PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 35
Req STR: 35
Req DEX: 95
+75 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Chaos Moon Glory
PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 65
Req STR: 65
Req DEX: 185
+90 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Chaos Highness Will
PC Room item.
[Expira al deslogearte]
Level: 95
Req STR: 95
Req DEX: 245
+105 Weapon Attack
+5% PVP Damage
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Chaos Double Wing
Level: 35
Req STR: 35
Req DEX: 95
+75 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Chaos Moon Glory
Level: 65
Req STR: 65
Req DEX: 185
+90 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

Chaos Highness Will
Level: 95
Req STR: 95
Req DEX: 245
+105 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal

King Pepe Lilly’s Pride
Level: 35
Req STR: 40
Req DEX: 110
+55 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Xerxes’s Aero
Level: 70
Req STR: 75
Req DEX: 205
+84 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Balrog’s Silpheed Great Kaia
Level: 80
Req STR: 85
Req DEX: 225
+82 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Balrog’s Highness Will
Level: 90
Req STR: 95
Req DEX: 245
+87 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 8
Speed: Normal
Scissors of Karma puede ser usado.

Pink Flower Tube
[Tiempo limitado]
Level: 30
+3 STR
+3 DEX
+3 INT
+3 LUK
+5 Accuracy
+65 Weapon Attack
Number of upgrades available: 7
Speed: Normal
Bien bien... eso es todo en lo que respecta a las armas, recuerden que los Mercedes pueden usar los equipos de Archer.
Pasamos ahora a los skills de begginer:

Habilidades del Begginer (Beginner Skills)

Elf’s Basics

De arriba a abajo:
  1. Elf’s RecoveryUse nature’s purified energy to recover HP and MP.
    Recovers 5% HP and MP up to 4 times per second. Este skill vienen siendo practicamente igual al los Explorers pero con algo de diferencia.
  2. Elf’s Blessing[Racial Skill] Return to Eurel and receive the blessing from the ancient elves and you’ll permanently get additional EXP. 
    Returns to Eurel (Cooldown: 1800 seconds)
    Additional Effect: Permanently adds 10% EXP. Excelente skill, es casi un Holy Simbol pero permanentemente, 10% mas de EXP!
  3. Stylish Move - Let’s you quickly move up a ladder or a rope.
    Can be used from a ladder or a rope
    [Command ↑ + Jump] Este me gusta porque hace al Mercedes un char rapido en las cuerdas, al hacer el comando de arriba y saltar, subes la cuerda o escalera a una velocidad unica del Mercedes.
  4. King’s QualificationsElves’ Kings are born with fast moves and attacks, along with a deadly charm.
    Permanently improves your attack speed by 1, Movement Speed by 10, Jump by 20, and Charm by 30 levels. Este incrementa tu velocidad de ataque por 1, movimiento por 10, salto por 20 y te da Charm por 30 niveles que pases.
Notese que el Elf's Blessing es un Racial Skill, y si no recuerdan que lo explique en la primera parte, es un skill que puedes conectar con cualquier otro de tus personajes en la misma cuenta, solo necesitas ser nivel 70 para ello, asi que 10% EXP para cualquiera de tus personajes!

Ahora, pasemos a la explicación de los Skills de cada Job Advancement, al igual que el anterior, dejare el ingles tal cual, ya no lo volvere a decir en futuros temas.

1st Job


Speed Dual Shot
Effects: Effect, Ball, Hit.
Description: Fire arrows at a large number of enemies in front of you.
Level 1: MP Cost: 8, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 96% damage.
Level 2: MP Cost: 8, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 97% damage.
Level 3: MP Cost: 8, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 98% damage.
Level 4: MP Cost: 8, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 99% damage.
Level 5: MP Cost: 8, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 100% damage.
Level 6: MP Cost: 10, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 101% damage.
Level 7: MP Cost: 10, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 102% damage.
Level 8: MP Cost: 10, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 103% damage.
Level 9: MP Cost: 10, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 104% damage.
Level 10: MP Cost: 10, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 105% damage.
Level 11: MP Cost: 10, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 106% damage.
Level 12: MP Cost: 12, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 107% damage.
Level 13: MP Cost: 12, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 108% damage.
Level 14: MP Cost: 12, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 109% damage.
Level 15: MP Cost: 12, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 110% damage.
Level 16: MP Cost: 12, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 111% damage.
Level 17: MP Cost: 12, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 112% damage.
Level 18: MP Cost: 14, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 113% damage.
Level 19: MP Cost: 14, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 114% damage.
Level 20: MP Cost: 14, Fires arrows at 3 enemies 2 times and deals 115% damage.
Potential Power
Description: Permanently activates your inner potential force. Speed and maximum speed will be increased, along with an increasing chance of avoiding the enemy’s attacks.
Level 1: Speed increased by 2, Maximum speed increased to 151, 6% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 2: Speed increased by 4, Maximum speed increased to 152, 7% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 3: Speed increased by 6, Maximum speed increased to 153, 8% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 4: Speed increased by 8, Maximum speed increased to 154, 9% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 5: Speed increased by 10, Maximum speed increased to 155, 10% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 6: Speed increased by 12, Maximum speed increased to 156, 11% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 7: Speed increased by 14, Maximum speed increased to 157, 12% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 8: Speed increased by 16, Maximum speed increased to 158, 13% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 9: Speed increased by 18, Maximum speed increased to 159, 14% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 10: Speed increased by 20, Maximum speed increased to 160, 15% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 11: Speed increased by 22, Maximum speed increased to 161, 16% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 12: Speed increased by 24, Maximum speed increased to 162, 17% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 13: Speed increased by 26, Maximum speed increased to 163, 18% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 14: Speed increased by 28, Maximum speed increased to 164, 19% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Level 15: Speed increased by 30, Maximum speed increased to 165, 20% chance to ignore the enemy’s attack.
Acrobatic Jump
Effects: Effect.
Description: Jump on a trampoline and fly for a long distance in its direction. As the skill level rises, the distance you can flay for increases.
Level 1: MP Cost: 28, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 2: MP Cost: 26, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 3: MP Cost: 24, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 4: MP Cost: 22, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 5: MP Cost: 20, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 6: MP Cost: 18, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 7: MP Cost: 16, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 8: MP Cost: 14, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 9: MP Cost: 12, jumps for a certain distance.
Level 10: MP Cost: 10, jumps for a certain distance.
Sharp Aiming
Description: Permanently increases your critical rate.
Level 1: Critical Rate increased by 2%.
Level 2: Critical Rate increased by 4%.
Level 3: Critical Rate increased by 6%.
Level 4: Critical Rate increased by 8%.
Level 5: Critical Rate increased by 10%.
Level 6: Critical Rate increased by 12%.
Level 7: Critical Rate increased by 14%.
Level 8: Critical Rate increased by 16%.
Level 9: Critical Rate increased by 18%.
Level 10: Critical Rate increased by 20%.
Level 11: Critical Rate increased by 22%.
Level 12: Critical Rate increased by 24%.
Level 13: Critical Rate increased by 26%.
Level 14: Critical Rate increased by 28%.
Level 15: Critical Rate increased by 30%.
Level 16: Critical Rate increased by 32%.
Level 17: Critical Rate increased by 34%.
Level 18: Critical Rate increased by 36%.
Level 19: Critical Rate increased by 38%.
Level 20: Critical Rate increased by 40%.

2nd Job


Cross Piercing
Effects: Effect, Ball, Hit, Mob.
Description: Infuse the force of nature with sharp arrows to continuously fire. The attack can penetrate a large number of enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 14, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 64% damage.
Level 2: MP Cost: 15, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 65% damage.
Level 3: MP Cost: 15, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 66% damage.
Level 4: MP Cost: 16, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 67% damage.
Level 5: MP Cost: 16, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 68% damage.
Level 6: MP Cost: 17, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 69% damage.
Level 7: MP Cost: 17, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 70% damage.
Level 8: MP Cost: 18, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 71% damage.
Level 9: MP Cost: 18, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 72% damage.
Level 10: MP Cost: 19, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 73% damage.
Level 11: MP Cost: 19, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 74% damage.
Level 12: MP Cost: 20, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 75% damage.
Level 13: MP Cost: 20, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 76% damage.
Level 14: MP Cost: 21, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 77% damage.
Level 15: MP Cost: 21, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 78% damage.
Level 16: MP Cost: 22, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 79% damage.
Level 17: MP Cost: 22, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 80% damage.
Level 18: MP Cost: 23, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 81% damage.
Level 19: MP Cost: 23, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 82% damage.
Level 20: MP Cost: 24, Pierces up to 6 enemies 4 times and deals 83% damage.
Charge Drive
Effects: Pushing monsters: Effect, Effect0. Launching to the air: Effect, Hit.
Description: Push a large number of enemies forward and launch them to the air. While in air, extra damage will be dealt on enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 102% damage. 182% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 2% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 2: MP Cost: 20, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 104% damage. 184% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 4% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 3: MP Cost: 21, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 106% damage. 186% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 6% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 4: MP Cost: 21, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 108% damage. 188% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 8% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 5: MP Cost: 21, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 110% damage. 190% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 10% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 6: MP Cost: 22, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 112% damage. 192% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 12% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 7: MP Cost: 22, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 114% damage. 194% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 14% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 8: MP Cost: 22, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 116% damage. 196% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 16% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 9: MP Cost: 23, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 118% damage. 198% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 18% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 10: MP Cost: 23, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 120% damage. 200% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 20% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 11: MP Cost: 23, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 122% damage. 202% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 22% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 12: MP Cost: 24, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 124% damage. 204% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 24% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 13: MP Cost: 24, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 126% damage. 206% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 26% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 14: MP Cost: 24, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 128% damage. 208% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 28% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Level 15: MP Cost: 25, Pushes up to 8 enemies and deals 130% damage. 210% damage will be done when the enemies are launched into the air and 30% bonus damage to airborne enemies will be given.
Dual Bow Gun Booster
Effects: Effect.
Description: Use MP to double the attack speed of your dual bow gun for a certain period of time.
Required Skill: Dual Bow Gun Mastery lv. 5

Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 10 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 29, Duration: 20 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 28, Duration: 30 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 27, Duration: 40 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 26, Duration: 50 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 25, Duration: 60 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 24, Duration: 70 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 23, Duration: 80 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 90 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 21, Duration: 100 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 110 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 19, Duration: 120 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 18, Duration: 130 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 17, Duration: 140 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 16, Duration: 150 seconds.
Level 16: MP Cost: 15, Duration: 160 seconds.
Level 17: MP Cost: 14, Duration: 170 seconds.
Level 18: MP Cost: 13, Duration: 180 seconds.
Level 19: MP Cost: 12, Duration: 190 seconds.
Level 20: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 200 seconds.
Spirit Infusion
Effects: Effect.
Description: Increases your damage and Critical Rate for a period of time.
Level 1: MP Cost: 25, Duration: 68 seconds, Additional Damage: 1, Critical Rate increased by 1%.
Level 2: MP Cost: 25, Duration: 76 seconds, Additional Damage: 2, Critical Rate increased by 2%.
Level 3: MP Cost: 25, Duration: 84 seconds, Additional Damage: 3, Critical Rate increased by 3%.
Level 4: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 92 seconds, Additional Damage: 4, Critical Rate increased by 4%.
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 100 seconds, Additional Damage: 5, Critical Rate increased by 5%.
Level 6: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 108 seconds, Additional Damage: 6, Critical Rate increased by 6%.
Level 7: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 116 seconds, Additional Damage: 7, Critical Rate increased by 7%.
Level 8: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 124 seconds, Additional Damage: 8, Critical Rate increased by 8%.
Level 9: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 132 seconds, Additional Damage: 9, Critical Rate increased by 9%.
Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 140 seconds, Additional Damage: 10, Critical Rate increased by 10%.
Level 11: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 148 seconds, Additional Damage: 11, Critical Rate increased by 11%.
Level 12: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 156 seconds, Additional Damage: 12, Critical Rate increased by 12%.
Level 13: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 164 seconds, Additional Damage: 13, Critical Rate increased by 13%.
Level 14: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 172 seconds, Additional Damage: 14, Critical Rate increased by 14%.
Level 15: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 180 seconds, Additional Damage: 15, Critical Rate increased by 15%.
Final Shot
Effects: Effect, Hit -> 1, 2, 3, 4.
Description: After using Charge Drive to drive your enemies into the air, arrows will fly towards your enemies and attack them.
Required Skill: Charge Drive lv. 1

Level 1: MP Cost: 12, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 66% damage 4 times.
Level 2: MP Cost: 12, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 72% damage 4 times.
Level 3: MP Cost: 12, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 78% damage 4 times.
Level 4: MP Cost: 12, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 84% damage 4 times.
Level 5: MP Cost: 16, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 90% damage 4 times.
Dual Bow Gun Mastery
Description: Increases the proficiency of all dual bow guns and accuracy.
Level 1: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +12%, Accuracy +6.
Level 2: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +14%, Accuracy +12.
Level 3: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +16%, Accuracy +18.
Level 4: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +18%, Accuracy +24.
Level 5: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +20%, Accuracy +30.
Level 6: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +22%, Accuracy +36.
Level 7: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +24%, Accuracy +42.
Level 8: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +26%, Accuracy +48.
Level 9: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +28%, Accuracy +54.
Level 10: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +30%, Accuracy +60.
Level 11: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +32%, Accuracy +66.
Level 12: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +34%, Accuracy +72.
Level 13: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +36%, Accuracy +78.
Level 14: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +38%, Accuracy +84.
Level 15: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +40%, Accuracy +90.
Level 16: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +42%, Accuracy +96.
Level 17: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +44%, Accuracy +102.
Level 18: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +46%, Accuracy +108.
Level 19: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +48%, Accuracy +114.
Level 20: Dual Bow Gun Mastery +50%, Accuracy +120.
Final Attack : Dual Bow Gun
Effects: Hit.
Description: Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack. Must have a dual bow gun equipped.
Required Skill: Dual Bow Gun Mastery lv. 3

Level 1: Proc Rate: 2%, Damage: 55%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 2: Proc Rate: 4%, Damage: 57%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 3: Proc Rate: 6%, Damage: 57%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 4: Proc Rate: 8%, Damage: 59%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 5: Proc Rate: 10%, Damage: 59%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 6: Proc Rate: 12%, Damage: 61%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 7: Proc Rate: 14%, Damage: 61%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 8: Proc Rate: 16%, Damage: 63%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 9: Proc Rate: 18%, Damage: 63%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 10: Proc Rate: 20%, Damage: 65%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 11: Proc Rate: 22%, Damage: 65%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 12: Proc Rate: 24%, Damage: 67%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 13: Proc Rate: 26%, Damage: 67%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 14: Proc Rate: 28%, Damage: 69%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 15: Proc Rate: 30%, Damage: 69%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 16: Proc Rate: 32%, Damage: 71%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 17: Proc Rate: 34%, Damage: 71%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 18: Proc Rate: 36%, Damage: 73%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 19: Proc Rate: 38%, Damage: 73%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Level 20: Proc Rate: 40%, Damage: 75%, Number of Attacks: 2.
Physical Training
Description: Through physical fitness, improve your strength and dexterity.
Level 1: STR +3, DEX +3.
Level 2: STR +6, DEX +6.
Level 3: STR +9, DEX +9.
Level 4: STR +12, DEX +12.
Level 5: STR +15, DEX +15.
Level 6: STR +18, DEX +18.
Level 7: STR +21, DEX +21.
Level 8: STR +24, DEX +24.
Level 9: STR +27, DEX +27.
Level 10: STR +30, DEX +30.

3rd Job


Strike Dual Shot
Effects: Effect, Ball, Hit -> 1, 2, Mob.
Description: Shoot a large number of arrows at many enemies in front of you very rapidly. Also, there’s a probability to stun the enemy.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 107% damage on them 4 times, 23% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 20, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 108% damage on them 4 times, 26% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 20, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 109% damage on them 4 times, 29% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 23, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 110% damage on them 4 times, 32% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 23, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 111% damage on them 4 times, 35% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 23, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 112% damage on them 4 times, 38% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 23, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 113% damage on them 4 times, 41% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 26, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 114% damage on them 4 times, 44% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 26, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 115% damage on them 4 times, 47% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 26, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 116% damage on them 4 times, 50% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 26, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 117% damage on them 4 times, 53% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 29, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 118% damage on them 4 times, 56% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 29, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 119% damage on them 4 times, 59% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 29, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 120% damage on them 4 times, 62% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 29, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 121% damage on them 4 times, 65% chance to stun the enemy for 5 seconds.
Level 16: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 122% damage on them 4 times, 68% chance to stun the enemy for 5 seconds.
Level 17: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 123% damage on them 4 times, 71% chance to stun the enemy for 5 seconds.
Level 18: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 124% damage on them 4 times, 74% chance to stun the enemy for 5 seconds.
Level 19: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 125% damage on them 4 times, 77% chance to stun the enemy for 5 seconds.
Level 20: MP Cost: 35, Attacks up to 4 enemies and deals 126% damage on them 4 times, 80% chance to stun the enemy for 6 seconds.
Leaf Tornado
Effects: Effect, Effect0, Hit -> 1, 2, Mob, Tile -> 1, 2.
Description: Jump and rotate your body quickly and shoot arrows. The skill can only be done when you jump to a height of at least 120%.
Level 1: MP Cost: 33, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 97% damage 4 times.
Level 2: MP Cost: 33, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 99% damage 4 times.
Level 3: MP Cost: 33, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 101% damage 4 times.
Level 4: MP Cost: 33, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 103% damage 4 times.
Level 5: MP Cost: 36, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 105% damage 4 times.
Level 6: MP Cost: 36, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 107% damage 4 times.
Level 7: MP Cost: 36, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 109% damage 4 times.
Level 8: MP Cost: 36, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 111% damage 4 times.
Level 9: MP Cost: 39, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 113% damage 4 times.
Level 10: MP Cost: 39, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 115% damage 4 times.
Level 11: MP Cost: 39, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 117% damage 4 times.
Level 12: MP Cost: 39, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 119% damage 4 times.
Level 13: MP Cost: 42, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 121% damage 4 times.
Level 14: MP Cost: 42, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 123% damage 4 times.
Level 15: MP Cost: 42, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 125% damage 4 times.
Level 16: MP Cost: 42, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 127% damage 4 times.
Level 17: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 129% damage 4 times.
Level 18: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 131% damage 4 times.
Level 19: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 133% damage 4 times.
Level 20: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 8 enemies and deals 135% damage 4 times.
Unicorn Spike
Effects: Effect, Effect0, Hit -> 1, 2, Mob, Special.
Description: Summon the sacred unicorn to attack a number of enemies in front of you a couple of times and weaken them for a period of time. Weakened targets will be spiked a specific number of times and bosses will receive double the damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 38, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 112%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 19% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 5 seconds and increase the damage by 5% for 5 times.
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Level 2: MP Cost: 38, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 114%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 23% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 6 seconds and increase the damage by 6% for 5 times.
Cooldown: 19 seconds
Level 3: MP Cost: 38, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 116%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 27% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 6 seconds and increase the damage by 6% for 5 times.
Cooldown: 19 seconds
Level 4: MP Cost: 38, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 118%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 31% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 7 seconds and increase the damage by 7% for 6 times.
Cooldown: 18 seconds
Level 5: MP Cost: 38, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 120%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 35% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 7 seconds and increase the damage by 7% for 6 times.
Cooldown: 18 seconds
Level 6: MP Cost: 46, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 122%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 39% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 8 seconds and increase the damage by 8% for 6 times.
Cooldown: 17 seconds
Level 7: MP Cost: 46, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 124%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 43% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 8 seconds and increase the damage by 8% for 6 times.
Cooldown: 17 seconds
Level 8: MP Cost: 46, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 126%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 47% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 9 seconds and increase the damage by 9% for 7 times.
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Level 9: MP Cost: 46, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 128%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 51% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 9 seconds and increase the damage by 9% for 7 times.
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Level 10: MP Cost: 46, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 130%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 55% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 10 seconds and increase the damage by 10% for 7 times.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Level 11: MP Cost: 54, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 132%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 59% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 10 seconds and increase the damage by 10% for 7 times.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Level 12: MP Cost: 54, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 134%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 63% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 11 seconds and increase the damage by 11% for 8 times.
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Level 13: MP Cost: 54, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 136%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 67% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 11 seconds and increase the damage by 11% for 8 times.
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Level 14: MP Cost: 54, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 138%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 71% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 12 seconds and increase the damage by 12% for 8 times.
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Level 15: MP Cost: 54, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 140%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 75% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 12 seconds and increase the damage by 12% for 8 times.
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Level 16: MP Cost: 62, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 142%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 79% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 13 seconds and increase the damage by 13% for 9 times.
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Level 17: MP Cost: 62, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 144%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 83% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 13 seconds and increase the damage by 13% for 9 times.
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Level 18: MP Cost: 62, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 146%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 87% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 14 seconds and increase the damage by 14% for 9 times.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Level 19: MP Cost: 62, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 148%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 91% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 14 seconds and increase the damage by 14% for 9 times.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Level 20: MP Cost: 62, Max number of enemies hit: 8, Damage: 150%, Attacks 5 times (all attacks are crtical), 95% chance to weaken the enemy and activate debuff effect for 15 seconds and increase the damage by 15% for 10 times.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Gust Dive
Effects: Effect, Hit.
Description: Use the wind’s force to rapidly fall and attack the enemy a number of times while in the same range. The skill can only be done when you jump to a height of at least 120%.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 138%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 2: MP Cost: 30, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 141%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 3: MP Cost: 30, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 144%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 4: MP Cost: 30, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 147%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 150%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 6: MP Cost: 35, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 153%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 7: MP Cost: 35, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 156%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 8: MP Cost: 35, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 159%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 9: MP Cost: 35, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 162%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 10: MP Cost: 35, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 165%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 11: MP Cost: 40, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 168%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 12: MP Cost: 40, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 171%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 13: MP Cost: 40, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 174%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 14: MP Cost: 40, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 177%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 15: MP Cost: 40, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 180%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 16: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 183%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 17: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 186%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 18: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 189%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 19: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 192%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 20: MP Cost: 45, Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 195%, Number of attacks: 3.
Ignis Lore
Effects: Effect, Special.
Description: Permanently adds a chance to ignore the enemy’s attacks and in addition increase the damage significantly using the Fire Spirit’s power for a certain period of time.
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, ATT +2, Duration: 47 seconds.
Passive Effects: 5% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, ATT +4, Duration: 54 seconds.
Passive Effects: 5% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, ATT +6, Duration: 61 seconds.
Passive Effects: 5% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, ATT +8, Duration: 68 seconds.
Passive Effects: 8% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, ATT +10, Duration: 75 seconds.
Passive Effects: 8% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, ATT +12, Duration: 82 seconds.
Passive Effects: 8% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, ATT +14, Duration: 89 seconds.
Passive Effects: 8% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, ATT +16, Duration: 96 seconds.
Passive Effects: 11% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, ATT +18, Duration: 103 seconds.
Passive Effects: 11% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, ATT +20, Duration: 110 seconds.
Passive Effects: 11% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, ATT +22, Duration: 117 seconds.
Passive Effects: 11% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, ATT +24, Duration: 124 seconds.
Passive Effects: 14% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, ATT +26, Duration: 131 seconds.
Passive Effects: 14% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, ATT +28, Duration: 138 seconds.
Passive Effects: 14% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, ATT +30, Duration: 145 seconds.
Passive Effects: 14% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 16: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, ATT +32, Duration: 152 seconds.
Passive Effects: 17% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 17: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, ATT +34, Duration: 159 seconds.
Passive Effects: 17% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 18: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, ATT +36, Duration: 166 seconds.
Passive Effects: 17% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 19: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, ATT +38, Duration: 173 seconds.
Passive Effects: 17% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Level 20: Active Effects: MP Cost: 60, ATT +40, Duration: 180 seconds.
Passive Effects: 20% chance to avoid the enemey’s attack.
Water Shield
Effects: Effect, Repeat.
Description: Use the spirit’s strength to create a water shield. The shield will absorb some of the damage taken and give you resistance against states.
Level 1: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 104, Water shield absorbs 11% damage, Resistance to states increased by 6%.
Level 2: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 108, Water shield absorbs 12% damage, Resistance to states increased by 7%.
Level 3: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 112, Water shield absorbs 13% damage, Resistance to states increased by 8%.
Level 4: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 116, Water shield absorbs 14% damage, Resistance to states increased by 9%.
Level 5: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 120, Water shield absorbs 15% damage, Resistance to states increased by 10%.
Level 6: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 124, Water shield absorbs 16% damage, Resistance to states increased by 11%.
Level 7: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 128, Water shield absorbs 17% damage, Resistance to states increased by 12%.
Level 8: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 132, Water shield absorbs 18% damage, Resistance to states increased by 13%.
Level 9: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 136, Water shield absorbs 19% damage, Resistance to states increased by 14%.
Level 10: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 140, Water shield absorbs 20% damage, Resistance to states increased by 15%.
Level 11: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 144, Water shield absorbs 21% damage, Resistance to states increased by 16%.
Level 12: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 148, Water shield absorbs 22% damage, Resistance to states increased by 17%.
Level 13: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 152, Water shield absorbs 23% damage, Resistance to states increased by 18%.
Level 14: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 156, Water shield absorbs 24% damage, Resistance to states increased by 19%.
Level 15: MP Cost: 90, Duration: 160, Water shield absorbs 25% damage, Resistance to states increased by 20%.
Level 16: MP Cost: 90, Duration: 164, Water shield absorbs 26% damage, Resistance to states increased by 21%.
Level 17: MP Cost: 90, Duration: 168, Water shield absorbs 27% damage, Resistance to states increased by 22%.
Level 18: MP Cost: 90, Duration: 172, Water shield absorbs 28% damage, Resistance to states increased by 23%.
Level 19: MP Cost: 90, Duration: 176, Water shield absorbs 29% damage, Resistance to states increased by 24%.
Level 20: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 180, Water shield absorbs 30% damage, Resistance to states increased by 25%.
High Kick Demolition
Effects: Effect, Hit -> 1, 2.
Description: Used after your enemies are tossed to the air after Charge Drive. Your enemies will not see you floating in the air while you deliver a fast attack on them. Additionally, the damage of Charge Drive will permanently increase.
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost: 24, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 106%, Attacks 6 times, 1% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +10%.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost: 24, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 107%, Attacks 6 times, 2% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +10%.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost: 24, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 108%, Attacks 6 times, 3% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +14%.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost: 24, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 109%, Attacks 6 times, 4% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +14%.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost: 24, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 110%, Attacks 6 times, 5% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +14%.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost: 28, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 111%, Attacks 6 times, 6% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +18%.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost: 28, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 112%, Attacks 6 times, 7% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +18%.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost: 28, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 113%, Attacks 6 times, 8% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +18%.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost: 28, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 114%, Attacks 6 times, 9% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +22%.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost: 28, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 115%, Attacks 6 times, 10% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +22%.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 116%, Attacks 6 times, 11% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +22%.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 117%, Attacks 6 times, 12% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +26%.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 118%, Attacks 6 times, 13% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +26%.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 119%, Attacks 6 times, 14% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +26%.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost: 32, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 120%, Attacks 6 times, 15% chance to instantly kill your enemy.
Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +30%.
Elemental Knights
Effects: Frost Spirit: Summoned, Stand, Fly, Attack1, Hit, Mob, Die. Fire Spirit: Summoned, Stand, Fly, Attack1, Hit, Mob, Die. Shadow Spirit: Summoned, Stand, Fly, Attack1, Hit, Die.
Description: Summons one random spirit to help you fight; Frost Spirit, Fire Spirit, or Shadow Spirit.
Frost Spirit: Your attacks have a chance to freeze the enemy.
Fire Spirit: Attacks have a chance to make the enemy suffer from continuous fire damage.
Shadow Spirit: Stronger damage than Frost and Fire Spirits.

Level 1: MP Cost: 132, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 65 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 360%, 14% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 360% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 53% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 397%.
Cooldown: 196 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 132, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 70 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 370%, 18% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 370% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 56% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 409%.
Cooldown: 192 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 124, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 75 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 380%, 22% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 380% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 59% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 421%.
Cooldown: 188 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 124, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 80 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 390%, 26% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 390% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 62% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 433%.
Cooldown: 184 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 116, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 85 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 400%, 30% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 400% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 65% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 445%.
Cooldown: 180 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 116, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 90 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 410%, 34% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 410% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 68% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 457%.
Cooldown: 176 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 108, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 95 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 420%, 38% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 420% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 71% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 469%.
Cooldown: 172 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 108, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 100 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 430%, 42% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 430% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 74% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 481%.
Cooldown: 168 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 100, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 105 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 440%, 46% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 440% chance to deal continuous damage for 3 seconds, 77% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 493%.
Cooldown: 164 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 100, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 110 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 450%, 50% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 450% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 80% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 505%.
Cooldown: 160 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 92, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 115 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 460%, 54% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 460% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 83% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 517%.
Cooldown: 156 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 92, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 120 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 470%, 58% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 470% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 86% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 529%.
Cooldown: 152 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 84, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 125 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 480%, 62% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 480% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 89% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 541%.
Cooldown: 148 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 84, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 130 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 490%, 66% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 490% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 92% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 553%.
Cooldown: 144 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 76, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 135 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 500%, 70% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 500% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 95% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 565%.
Cooldown: 140 seconds.
Level 16: MP Cost: 76, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 140 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 510%, 74% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 510% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 98% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 577%.
Cooldown: 136 seconds.
Level 17: MP Cost: 68, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 145 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 520%, 78% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 520% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 101% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 589%.
Cooldown: 132 seconds.
Level 18: MP Cost: 68, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 150 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 530%, 82% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 530% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 104% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 601%.
Cooldown: 128 seconds.
Level 19: MP Cost: 60, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 155 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 540%, 86% chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 540% chance to deal continuous damage for 4 seconds, 107% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 613%.
Cooldown: 124 seconds.
Level 20: MP Cost: 60, Summons 1 random spirit out of the 3 for 160 seconds.
Frost Spirit: Damage: 550%, 90% chance to freeze the enemy for 5 seconds.
Fire Spirit: 550% chance to deal continuous damage for 5 seconds, 110% damage every 1 second.
Shadow Spirit: Damage: 625%.
Cooldown: 120 seconds.

4th Job


Ring of Ishtar
Description: Borrow the legendary weapons with Ishtar’s power to massively fire the enemies in front of you. In addition, permanently increase the damage of Strike Dual Shot.
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 81%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +7%.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 82%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +7%.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 83%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +7%.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 84%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +9%.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 85%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +9%.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 86%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +9%.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 87%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +11%.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 88%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +11%.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 89%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +11%.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost: 8, Continuous Damage: 90%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +13%.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 91%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +13%.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 92%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +13%.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 93%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +15%.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 94%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +15%.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 95%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +15%.
Level 16: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 96%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +17%.
Level 17: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 97%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +17%.
Level 18: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 98%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +17%.
Level 19: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 99%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +19%.
Level 20: Active Effects: MP Cost: 9, Continuous Damage: 100%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +19%.
Level 21: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 101%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +19%.
Level 22: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 102%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +21%.
Level 23: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 103%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +21%.
Level 24: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 104%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +21%.
Level 25: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 105%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +23%.
Level 26: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 106%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +23%.
Level 27: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 107%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +23%.
Level 28: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 108%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +25%.
Level 29: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 109%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +25%.
Level 30: Active Effects: MP Cost: 10, Continuous Damage: 110%.
Passive Effect: Strike Dual Shot’s damage +25%.
Legendary Spear
Description: Jump and drop a many legendary arrows and attack a large number of enemies. Enemy’s defense will be lowered and every hit will be 100% critical. In addition, the damage of Leaf Tornado will permanently increase.
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 458%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -1% for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +11% damage.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 464%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -2% for 6 seconds.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +12% damage.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 470%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -3% for 6 seconds.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +13% damage.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost: 40, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 476%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -4% for 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +14% damage.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 482%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -5% for 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +15% damage.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 488%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -6% for 8 seconds.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +16% damage.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 494%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -7% for 8 seconds.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +17% damage.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 500%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -8% for 9 seconds.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +18% damage.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 506%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -9% for 9 seconds.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +19% damage.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 512%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -10% for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +20% damage.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 518%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -11% for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +21% damage.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 524%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -12% for 11 seconds.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +22% damage.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 530%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -13% for 11 seconds.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +23% damage.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 536%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -14% for 12 seconds.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +24% damage.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 542%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -15% for 12 seconds.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +25% damage.
Level 16: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 548%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -16% for 13 seconds.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +26% damage.
Level 17: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 554%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -17% for 13 seconds.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +27% damage.
Level 18: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 560%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -18% for 14 seconds.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +28% damage.
Level 19: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 566%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -19% for 14 seconds.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +29% damage.
Level 20: Active Effects: MP Cost: 60, Maximum number of enemies hit: 12, Damage: 572%, Number of attacks: 2. Reduces the enemy’s defense by -20% for 15 seconds.
Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Passive Effects: Leaf Tornado +30% damage.
Lightning Edge
Description: Instantly move forward and attack the enemies in your path.
Level 1: MP Cost: 54, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 290%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 2: MP Cost: 54, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 295%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 3: MP Cost: 54, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 300%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 4: MP Cost: 54, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 305%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 5: MP Cost: 54, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 310%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Level 6: MP Cost: 58, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 315%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Level 7: MP Cost: 58, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 320%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Level 8: MP Cost: 58, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 325%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Level 9: MP Cost: 58, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 330%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Level 10: MP Cost: 58, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 335%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Level 11: MP Cost: 62, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 340%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
Level 12: MP Cost: 62, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 345%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Level 13: MP Cost: 62, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 350%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Level 14: MP Cost: 62, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 355%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Level 15: MP Cost: 62, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 360%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Level 16: MP Cost: 66, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 365%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Level 17: MP Cost: 66, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 370%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Level 18: MP Cost: 66, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 375%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Level 19: MP Cost: 66, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 380%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Level 20: MP Cost: 66, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 385%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Level 21: MP Cost: 70, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 390%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Level 22: MP Cost: 70, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 395%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Level 23: MP Cost: 70, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 400%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.
Level 24: MP Cost: 70, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 405%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Level 25: MP Cost: 70, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 410%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Level 26: MP Cost: 74, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 415%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Level 27: MP Cost: 74, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 420%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Level 28: MP Cost: 74, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 425%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Level 29: MP Cost: 74, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 430%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Level 30: MP Cost: 74, Maximum Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 435%, Attacks 3 times.
Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Ancient Spirit
Description: Let the ancient spirits take care of you for a period of time and increase your HP and damage. Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability will also increase.
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 65 seconds, Damage: +1%, HP: +50.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +6%.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 70 seconds, Damage: +2%, HP: +100.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +6%.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 75 seconds, Damage: +3%, HP: +150.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +7%.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 80 seconds, Damage: +4%, HP: +200.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +7%.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 85 seconds, Damage: +5%, HP: +250.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +8%.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 90 seconds, Damage: +6%, HP: +300.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +8%.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 95 seconds, Damage: +7%, HP: +350.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +9%.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 100 seconds, Damage: +8%, HP: +400.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +9%.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 105 seconds, Damage: +9%, HP: +450.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +10%.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 110 seconds, Damage: +10%, HP: +500.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +10%.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 115 seconds, Damage: +11%, HP: +550.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +11%.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 120 seconds, Damage: +12%, HP: +600.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +11%.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 125 seconds, Damage: +13%, HP: +650.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +12%.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 130 seconds, Damage: +14%, HP: +700.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +12%.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 135 seconds, Damage: +15%, HP: +750.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +13%.
Level 16: Active Effects: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 140 seconds, Damage: +16%, HP: +800.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +13%.
Level 17: Active Effects: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 145 seconds, Damage: +17%, HP: +850.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +14%.
Level 18: Active Effects: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 150 seconds, Damage: +18%, HP: +900.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +14%.
Level 19: Active Effects: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 155 seconds, Damage: +19%, HP: +950.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +15%.
Level 20: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 160 seconds, Damage: +20%, HP: +1000.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +15%.
Level 21: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 165 seconds, Damage: +21%, HP: +1050.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +16%.
Level 22: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 170 seconds, Damage: +22%, HP: +1100.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +16%.
Level 23: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 175 seconds, Damage: +23%, HP: +1150.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +17%.
Level 24: Active Effects: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 180 seconds, Damage: +24%, HP: +1200.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +17%.
Level 25: Active Effects: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 185 seconds, Damage: +25%, HP: +1250.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +18%.
Level 26: Active Effects: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 190 seconds, Damage: +26%, HP: +1300.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +18%.
Level 27: Active Effects: MP Cost: 75, Duration: 195 seconds, Damage: +27%, HP: +1350.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +19%.
Level 28: Active Effects: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 200 seconds, Damage: +28%, HP: +1400.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +19%.
Level 29: Active Effects: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 205 seconds, Damage: +29%, HP: +1450.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +20%.
Level 30: Active Effects: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 210 seconds, Damage: +30%, HP: +1500.
Passive Effects: Ignis Lore’s avoidance probability +20%.
Maple Warrior
Description: Increase stats by a certain percentage for everyone in the party.
Level 1: MP -10; all stats +1% for 30 seconds.
Level 2: MP -10; all stats +1% for 60 seconds.
Level 3: MP -10; all stats +2% for 90 seconds.
Level 4: MP -10; all stats +2% for 120 seconds.
Level 5: MP -20; all stats +3% for 150 seconds.
Level 6: MP -20; all stats +3% for 180 seconds.
Level 7: MP -20; all stats +4% for 210 seconds.
Level 8: MP -20; all stats +4% for 240 seconds.
Level 9: MP -20; all stats +5% for 270 seconds.
Level 10: MP -30; all stats +5% for 300 seconds.
Level 11: MP -30; all stats +6% for 330 seconds.
Level 12: MP -30; all stats +6% for 360 seconds.
Level 13: MP -30; all stats +7% for 390 seconds.
Level 14: MP -30; all stats +7% for 420 seconds.
Level 15: MP -40; all stats +8% for 450 seconds.
Level 16: MP -40; all stats +8% for 480 seconds.
Level 17: MP -40; all stats +9% for 510 seconds.
Level 18: MP -40; all stats +9% for 540 seconds.
Level 19: MP -40; all stats +10% for 570 seconds.
Level 20: MP -50; all stats +10% for 600 seconds.
Level 21: MP -50; all stats +11% for 630 seconds.
Level 22: MP -50; all stats +11% for 660 seconds.
Level 23: MP -50; all stats +12% for 690 seconds.
Level 24: MP -50; all stats +12% for 720 seconds.
Level 25: MP -60; all stats +13% for 750 seconds.
Level 26: MP -60; all stats +13% for 780 seconds.
Level 27: MP -60; all stats +14% for 810 seconds.
Level 28: MP -60; all stats +14% for 840 seconds.
Level 29: MP -60; all stats +15% for 870 seconds.
Level 30: MP -70; all stats +15% for 900 seconds.
Hero’s Will
Description: Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
Level 1: MP -30, 600 second cooldown.
Level 2: MP -30, 540 second cooldown.
Level 3: MP -30, 480 second cooldown.
Level 4: MP -30, 420 second cooldown.
Level 5: MP -30, 360 second cooldown.
Dual Bow Gun Expert
Description: Increases the proficiency, Weapon ATT, and minimum critical damage when using a dual bow gun.
Required Skill: Dual Bow Gun Mastery lv. 20

Level 1: Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%.
Level 2: Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +2, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%.
Level 3: Mastery: +57%, Weapon ATT: +3, Minimum Critical Damage: +2%.
Level 4: Mastery: +57%, Weapon ATT: +4, Minimum Critical Damage: +2%.
Level 5: Mastery: +58%, Weapon ATT: +5, Minimum Critical Damage: +3%.
Level 6: Mastery: +58%, Weapon ATT: +6, Minimum Critical Damage: +3%.
Level 7: Mastery: +59%, Weapon ATT: +7, Minimum Critical Damage: +4%.
Level 8: Mastery: +59%, Weapon ATT: +8, Minimum Critical Damage: +4%.
Level 9: Mastery: +60%, Weapon ATT: +9, Minimum Critical Damage: +5%.
Level 10: Mastery: +60%, Weapon ATT: +10, Minimum Critical Damage: +5%.
Level 11: Mastery: +61%, Weapon ATT: +11, Minimum Critical Damage: +6%.
Level 12: Mastery: +61%, Weapon ATT: +12, Minimum Critical Damage: +6%.
Level 13: Mastery: +62%, Weapon ATT: +13, Minimum Critical Damage: +7%.
Level 14: Mastery: +62%, Weapon ATT: +14, Minimum Critical Damage: +7%.
Level 15: Mastery: +63%, Weapon ATT: +15, Minimum Critical Damage: +8%.
Level 16: Mastery: +63%, Weapon ATT: +16, Minimum Critical Damage: +8%.
Level 17: Mastery: +64%, Weapon ATT: +17, Minimum Critical Damage: +9%.
Level 18: Mastery: +64%, Weapon ATT: +18, Minimum Critical Damage: +9%.
Level 19: Mastery: +65%, Weapon ATT: +19, Minimum Critical Damage: +10%.
Level 20: Mastery: +65%, Weapon ATT: +20, Minimum Critical Damage: +10%.
Level 21: Mastery: +66%, Weapon ATT: +21, Minimum Critical Damage: +11%.
Level 22: Mastery: +66%, Weapon ATT: +22, Minimum Critical Damage: +11%.
Level 23: Mastery: +67%, Weapon ATT: +23, Minimum Critical Damage: +12%.
Level 24: Mastery: +67%, Weapon ATT: +24, Minimum Critical Damage: +12%.
Level 25: Mastery: +68%, Weapon ATT: +25, Minimum Critical Damage: +13%.
Level 26: Mastery: +68%, Weapon ATT: +26, Minimum Critical Damage: +13%.
Level 27: Mastery: +69%, Weapon ATT: +27, Minimum Critical Damage: +14%.
Level 28: Mastery: +69%, Weapon ATT: +28, Minimum Critical Damage: +14%.
Level 29: Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +29, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%.
Level 30: Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%.
Defense Break
Description: Attacks have a chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF. Works for bosses as well.
Level 1: 2% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 2: 4% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 3: 6% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 4: 8% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 5: 10% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 6: 12% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 7: 14% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 8: 16% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 9: 18% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 10: 20% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 11: 22% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 12: 24% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 13: 26% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 14: 28% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 15: 30% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 16: 32% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 17: 34% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 18: 36% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 19: 38% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 20: 40% chance to ignore 100% of the enemy’s DEF.
Rolling Moonsault
Description: Used after your enemies are tossed to the air after Charge Drive. Spin rapidly in the air while you and your enemies float in the air and do continuous attacks. Additionally, Charge Drive’s damage will permanently increase.
Level 1: Active Effects: MP Cost: 54, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 152%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +12%.
Level 2: Active Effects: MP Cost: 54, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 154%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +14%.
Level 3: Active Effects: MP Cost: 54, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 156%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +16%.
Level 4: Active Effects: MP Cost: 54, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 158%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +18%.
Level 5: Active Effects: MP Cost: 58, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 160%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +20%.
Level 6: Active Effects: MP Cost: 58, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 162%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +22%.
Level 7: Active Effects: MP Cost: 58, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 164%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +24%.
Level 8: Active Effects: MP Cost: 58, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 166%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +26%.
Level 9: Active Effects: MP Cost: 62, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 168%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +28%.
Level 10: Active Effects: MP Cost: 62, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 170%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +30%.
Level 11: Active Effects: MP Cost: 62, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 172%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +32%.
Level 12: Active Effects: MP Cost: 62, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 174%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +34%.
Level 13: Active Effects: MP Cost: 66, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 176%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +36%.
Level 14: Active Effects: MP Cost: 66, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 178%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +38%.
Level 15: Active Effects: MP Cost: 66, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 180%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +40%.
Level 16: Active Effects: MP Cost: 66, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 182%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +42%.
Level 17: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 184%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +44%.
Level 18: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 186%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +46%.
Level 19: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 188%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +48%.
Level 20: Active Effects: MP Cost: 70, Max Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 190%, Number of attacks: 6.
Passive Effects: Charge Drive Damage +50%.
Advanced Final Attack
Description: Permanently increases your damage and accuracy, along with the probability and damage of Final Attack.
Required Skill: Final Attack lv. 20

Level 1: Permanently increases your damage by 6 and accuracy by 1%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 41% and damage by 76%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 2: Permanently increases your damage by 6 and accuracy by 1%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 42% and damage by 77%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 3: Permanently increases your damage by 7 and accuracy by 1%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 43% and damage by 78%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 4: Permanently increases your damage by 7 and accuracy by 2%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 44% and damage by 79%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 5: Permanently increases your damage by 8 and accuracy by 2%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 45% and damage by 80%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 6: Permanently increases your damage by 8 and accuracy by 2%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 46% and damage by 81%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 7: Permanently increases your damage by 9 and accuracy by 3%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 47% and damage by 82%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 8: Permanently increases your damage by 9 and accuracy by 3%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 48% and damage by 83%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 9: Permanently increases your damage by 10 and accuracy by 3%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 49% and damage by 84%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 10: Permanently increases your damage by 10 and accuracy by 4%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 50% and damage by 85%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 11: Permanently increases your damage by 11 and accuracy by 4%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 51% and damage by 86%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 12: Permanently increases your damage by 11 and accuracy by 4%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 52% and damage by 87%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 13: Permanently increases your damage by 12 and accuracy by 5%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 53% and damage by 88%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 14: Permanently increases your damage by 12 and accuracy by 5%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 54% and damage by 89%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 15: Permanently increases your damage by 13 and accuracy by 5%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 55% and damage by 90%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 16: Permanently increases your damage by 13 and accuracy by 6%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 56% and damage by 91%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 17: Permanently increases your damage by 14 and accuracy by 6%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 57% and damage by 92%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 18: Permanently increases your damage by 14 and accuracy by 6%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 58% and damage by 93%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 19: Permanently increases your damage by 15 and accuracy by 7%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 59% and damage by 94%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 20: Permanently increases your damage by 15 and accuracy by 7%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 60% and damage by 95%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 21: Permanently increases your damage by 16 and accuracy by 7%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 61% and damage by 96%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 22: Permanently increases your damage by 16 and accuracy by 8%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 62% and damage by 97%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 23: Permanently increases your damage by 17 and accuracy by 8%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 63% and damage by 98%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 24: Permanently increases your damage by 17 and accuracy by 8%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 64% and damage by 99%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 25: Permanently increases your damage by 18 and accuracy by 9%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 65% and damage by 100%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 26: Permanently increases your damage by 18 and accuracy by 9%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 66% and damage by 101%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 27: Permanently increases your damage by 19 and accuracy by 9%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 67% and damage by 102%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 28: Permanently increases your damage by 19 and accuracy by 10%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 68% and damage by 103%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 29: Permanently increases your damage by 20 and accuracy by 10%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 69% and damage by 104%, Attacks 2 times.
Level 30: Permanently increases your damage by 20 and accuracy by 10%. The probability of Final Attack increased by 70% and damage by 105%, Attacks 2 times.

Otros cambios:

  • Un nuevo mundo ha sigo agregado... El nuevo nombre es Elf! De seguro que muchas chicas se pasaran a este mundo xD

En KMS, la lista completa quedaria asi:

Demasiados no? Me imagino que en un futuro no muy lejado (digo xD) asi estaremos en GMS, habra que esperar muchisimo para eso.

  • Otro Hot Time Event en este Update, Woot~
Para recordarte cuando es, abajo te aparecera una nota con los detalles:

En este evento, tendras 100% garantizado los siguientes items:
  1. 20 Legend Coins.
  2. Character Slot Coupon.
  3. 1 Free Level Up Capsule.
  4. Un nuevo hat!
Cabe destacar que esos son los items que daran en KMS, quiza sean los mismos en GMS, o le cambien algo, esperaremos el momento.

Este es el nuevo hat del que hablan... El hat da 10 de STR/DEX/INT/LUK, 100 HP/MP, 75 Weapon/Magic DEF, 500 Will/Charm, y tiene 10 slots. Puede ser equipado con cualquier personaje (Muchas saldran a la luz con este hat jajaja xD). Cuando eres Mercedes, el hat te da las siguientes habilidades especiales: 5 STR/DEX/INT LUK, 5 Weapon Attack, y 10 Speed!

Asi que los Mercedes 70+ tendrian 15 STR/DEX/INT/LUK, 5 Weapon Attack, 100 HP/MP, 75 Weapon/Magic DEF, 10 Speed, y 500 Will/Charm! (Problem, Zakum Helm?)
Ademas los usuarios de KMS tendran la oportunidad de obtener las siguientes cosas:

Si... ese scroll que vieron, Full AP Reset Scroll!.
  • Legend Teleport Rock (Me imagino que es la Hyper Teleport Rock en GMS) cambio su diseño, no es gran cosa pero bueno...:

  • Agregaron un evento llamado Green Cosmic.

En el Update Jump, habra un evento llamado Saint Saver, cuando aparesca el evento en GMS veran de que hablo, asi que no quiero que gasten su tiempo en esto:

En el Saint Saver, aparecian Ergoths como parte del evento, ahora aparecera un monstruo llamado Dust King.

Es tan fuerte que…

Despues de todo, recibes una box que al abrirla te da un premio:

Recibes cosas como estas de esta caja:

Otros premios:

Son los mismos premios del Saint Saver en KMS, que pasara en GMS, seran los mismos?

  • Enjoy PvP Event. Es otro evento para PvP, depende de tu nivel, el NPC de Pvp necesita que ganes una cierta cantidad de Battle Points para cambiarlos por 1 Legend Coin y 3 Gallant Emblems.

Nivel 30~69 = 200 Battle Points.
Nivel 70~119 = 350 Battle Points.
Nivel 120+ = 500 Battle Points.

Y con esto terminamos la 2da parte del Update Legend.

Muy pronto información de la 3ra parte del Legend Update, con el Demon Slayer!

Rezeiha ~!

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