La tercera parte del Legend Update:
Demon Slayer
Ya llegamos a lo que es la ultima etapa de este grandioso Update que nos regalo 3 nuevos personajes para seguir variando la cantidad de personajes que existe en MapleStory.
Este ultimo Update nos trajo lo que es el ultimo Personaje: Demon Slayer.
Ademas de traernos Update para lo que es el nuevo rango de los Potential Items y nuevos Decent Skills.
Ya esta completa a lista de personajes que nos trajo este Legend Update.
Comenzemos con lo que es el trailer del Demon Slayer.
En esta ocasion, MapleStory ha diseñado el mismo trailer para ambos generos, el masculino y el femenino.
Trailer Masculino:
Trailer Femenino:
Nota: No se porque $€@%1=/ MapleStory no hace un Anime al estilo de sus Trailers :(
Bueno ahora van a ver el video de lo que seria el comienzo del Demon Slayer:
Los Demon Slayer son parte de los Resistance. Este seria el Guerrero de los Resistance, asi que puede usar tanto armas como equipos de Guerreros y normalmente, su principal Habilidad es el STR y la secundaria es el DEX.
Al igual que Mercedes, debes elegir el genero de tu Demon Slayer, y tambien seria unico estilo en la creación.
El Demon Slayer se veria algo asi.
Mr.Goldstein, estaria de NPC para el Job Advancement, pero esta imagen fue tomada de KMST, asi que aun no se sabe muy bien como seria el NPC que hara el Job Advancement.
Este personaje se basa mayormente en las armas de One-Handed Blunt Weapons y One-Handed Axe.
Ademas, podra usar otro item que es llamado Force Shield:
Solo incremementara la defensa en cada Job Advancement que hagas. Obtendras uno en cada uno de tus Job Advancements:
2nd job:
3rd job:
Esta no es una nueva arma, simplemente es un One-Handed Mace y es llamado Scepter (Cetro)
Los Demon Slayer vienen con un Face Painting (Pintura para el Rostro) y puedes el que deseas, ademas, tendras estas grandiosas alas como efecto del personaje siempre y cuando tengas una capa puesta.
Aqui estan los diferentes Face Paintings:
Que tiene de especial este personaje? Pues que ellos no usan MP, si no usan algo llamado Force (Fuerza):
Entonces Force tiene las siguientes cualidades…
- No se recupera a cada 10 segundos.
- No se le pueden colocar puntos extra en AP.
- No se recupera a travez de posiones.
- No se incrementa cuando pasas de nivel. Tendras 30 en el 1er Job, 60 en el 2do Job, 90 en el 3er Job y 120 en el 4to Job. Podriamos decir que es lo unico que hace que el Demon Slayer sea un poco tedioso de jugar.
- Solo puede recuperarse Force cuando usas skills. Cada uno de los Orbs (Orbitas o Bolas de Energia) que ven en la siguiente imagen, dan 1 de Force:
No hay de que preocuparse, hay un skill de 1er Job que te deja hacer un buen daño y que no consufe Force, es como tu ataque normal y te permite sacar Orbs ademas de que el skill se pone fuerte en cada Job Advancement.
Asi es como luce su propio Cash Shop:
Ahora a explicar lo que son los Skills!
Habilidades del Begginer (Beginner Skills)
Demon Slayer Basics
Demon Jump
Description: Use your Asmodian wings to perform various jumping skills. Si vieron el video, ya imaginaran de que trata.
Level 1: High Jump: Jump + ↑↑Death Curse
Double Jump: Jump + →→ or ←←
Glide: Double Jump (press twice)
Description: A chance to instantly kill an enemy you attack, and if the effect is triggered you will restore HP. In addition, when an enemy dies, you may absorb a certain amount of Force. Se ve bien, tienes chance de eliminar al monstruo instantaneamente, ademas de recuperar algo de HP y adicionalmente, cuando el enemigo muere, recuperar cierta cantidad de Force.
Level 1: 5% chance to instantly kill your enemy, When instant death is activated 5% HP will be restored, Force will be absorbed when the victim dies.Demon Fury [Racial Skill]
Description: When fightning bosses, your inner potential will lead to anger and cause you to become more powerful and absorb more Force. Es un buen Racial Skill, no tanto porque ganes Force en Bosses, si no porque te garantiza 10% de DMG a los Bosses! Nice xD!
Level 1: +10% damage against bosses, +5 Force absorbed.Devil Wings
Description: Use your Asmodian wings to move quickly. Alitas para ser mas rapido, Weeee~!
Level 1: Speed: 190, Jump: 120Nota: Esta es un mount que me imagino obtienes a nivel 70. El que obtienes a nivel 30 da 150% speed:
Demonic Blood
Description: Asmodians are born with a strong Will and overwhelming Charisma. No es tanta cosa, pero lo bueno es que da 100% de chance de que no te den Knock-back (hacerte retroceder).
Level 1: +30 Will, +30 Charisma, 100% Chance to not get knocked-back.
Ahora a explicar los skills del Demon Slayer:
1st Job
Demon Slayer 1stDevil Outsider
Effects: Prepare, Keydown, Keydowned, Hit -> 1, 2, 3.
Description: Summon the demon’s sickle to attack a number of enemies at the same time.
Required Skill: Demon Slash lv. 1
Level 1: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 71% damage 3 times.Demon Booster
Level 2: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 72% damage 3 times.
Level 3: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 73% damage 3 times.
Level 4: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 74% damage 3 times.
Level 5: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 75% damage 3 times.
Level 6: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 76% damage 3 times.
Level 7: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 77% damage 3 times.
Level 8: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 78% damage 3 times.
Level 9: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 79% damage 3 times.
Level 10: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 80% damage 3 times.
Level 11: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 81% damage 3 times.
Level 12: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 82% damage 3 times.
Level 13: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 83% damage 3 times.
Level 14: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 84% damage 3 times.
Level 15: HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 8 monsters and deal 85% damage 3 times.
Effects: Effect, Effect0.
Description: Use HP to double your one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe’s attack speed for a short period of time.
Required Skill: Demon Slash lv. 5
Level 1: HP Cost: 194, Duration: 28 seconds.Dark Agility
Level 2: HP Cost: 188, Duration: 36 seconds.
Level 3: HP Cost: 182, Duration: 44 seconds.
Level 4: HP Cost: 176, Duration: 52 seconds.
Level 5: HP Cost: 170, Duration: 60 seconds.
Level 6: HP Cost: 164, Duration: 68 seconds.
Level 7: HP Cost: 158, Duration: 76 seconds.
Level 8: HP Cost: 152, Duration: 84 seconds.
Level 9: HP Cost: 146, Duration: 92 seconds.
Level 10: HP Cost: 140, Duration: 100 seconds.
Level 11: HP Cost: 134, Duration: 108 seconds.
Level 12: HP Cost: 128, Duration: 116 seconds.
Level 13: HP Cost: 122, Duration: 124 seconds.
Level 14: HP Cost: 116, Duration: 132 seconds.
Level 15: HP Cost: 110, Duration: 140 seconds.
Level 16: HP Cost: 104, Duration: 148 seconds.
Level 17: HP Cost: 98, Duration: 156 seconds.
Level 18: HP Cost: 92, Duration: 164 seconds.
Level 19: HP Cost: 86, Duration: 172 seconds.
Level 20: HP Cost: 80, Duration: 180 seconds.
Description: Permanently increase your accuracy, speed, and jump.
Required Skill: Demon Slash lv. 1
Level 1: Accuracy +20, Speed +7, Jump +2.HP Increase
Level 2: Accuracy +40, Speed +9, Jump +4.
Level 3: Accuracy +60, Speed +11, Jump +6.
Level 4: Accuracy +80, Speed +13, Jump +8.
Level 5: Accuracy +100, Speed +15, Jump +10.
Level 6: Accuracy +120, Speed +17, Jump +12.
Level 7: Accuracy +140, Speed +19, Jump +14.
Level 8: Accuracy +160, Speed +21, Jump +16.
Level 9: Accuracy +180, Speed +23, Jump +18.
Level 10: Accuracy +200, Speed +25, Jump +20.
Description: Increases your maximum HP permanently.
Required Skill: Demon Slash lv. 1
Level 1: MaxHP +2%.Demon Slash
Level 2: MaxHP +4%.
Level 3: MaxHP +6%.
Level 4: MaxHP +8%.
Level 5: MaxHP +10%.
Level 6: MaxHP +12%.
Level 7: MaxHP +14%.
Level 8: MaxHP +16%.
Level 9: MaxHP +18%.
Level 10: MaxHP +20%.
First Job – 1st Attack: Effect, Hit. 2nd Attack: Effect, Hit. 3rd Attack: Effect, Hit. 4th Attack: Effect, Hit.
Second Job – 1st Attack: Effect, Hit. 2nd Attack: Effect, Hit. 3rd Attack: Effect, Hit. 4th Attack: Effect, Hit.
Third Job – 1st Attack: Effect, Hit. 2nd Attack: Effect, Hit. 3rd Attack: Effect, Hit. 4th Attack: Effect, Hit.
Fourth Job – 1st Attack: Effect, Hit. 2nd Attack: Effect, Hit. 3rd Attack: Effect, Hit. 4th Attack: Effect, Hit.
Author’s notes: I recommend you to look at the 3rd/4th attacks!
Description: Makes your normal attacks able to attack enemies in front of you. You may press your attack key multiple times to do four attacks on your enemy. Attacks can absorb a certain amount of Force from the enemy.
Level 1: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 91%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 81%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 81%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 2: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 92%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 82%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 82%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 3: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 93%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 83%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 83%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 4: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 94%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 84%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 84%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 5: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 95%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 85%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 85%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 6: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 96%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 86%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 86%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 7: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 97%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 87%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 87%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 8: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 98%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 88%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 88%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 9: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 99%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 89%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 89%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 10: 1st, 2nd attacks: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 100%.
3rd attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 90%, Number of attacks: 2.
4th attack: Attacks up to 6 enemies, Damage: 90%, Number of attacks: 3.
2nd Job
Demon Slayer 2ndSoul Eater
Effects: Prepare, Keydown, Keydowned, Hit.
Description: Drag a large number of enemies in front of you forward and attack them.
Level 1: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 112%, Number of attacks: 4.Dark Thrust
Level 2: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 114%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 3: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 116%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 4: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 118%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 5: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 120%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 6: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 122%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 7: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 124%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 8: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 126%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 9: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 128%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 10: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 130%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 11: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 132%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 12: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 134%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 13: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 136%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 14: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 138%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 15: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 140%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 16: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 142%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 17: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 144%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 18: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 146%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 19: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 148%, Number of attacks: 4.
Level 20: HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6, Hold the skill’s key and drag up to 8 enemies, Damage: 150%, Number of attacks: 4.
Effects: Effect, Hit.
Description: Rush a large number of enemies forward.
Level 1: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 86%, Number of attacks: 3.Demon Trace
Level 2: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 87%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 3: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 88%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 4: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 89%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 5: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 90%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 6: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 91%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 7: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 92%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 8: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 93%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 9: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 94%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 10: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 95%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 11: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 96%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 12: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 97%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 13: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 98%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 14: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 99%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 15: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 100%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 16: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 101%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 17: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 102%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 18: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 103%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 19: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 104%, Number of attacks: 3.
Level 20: Force Cost: 10, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 105%, Number of attacks: 3.
Effects: Effect, Hit, Mob.
Description: Trace the enemy around you to attack. There’s a chance to stun the enemy and also, when the arrow keys are used to point out where you want to move, you will move in that direction.
Level 1: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 207% damage, 48% chance to stun for 1 seconds.Dark Revenge
Level 2: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 214% damage, 51% chance to stun for 1 seconds.
Level 3: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 221% damage, 54% chance to stun for 1 seconds.
Level 4: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 228% damage, 57% chance to stun for 1 seconds.
Level 5: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 235% damage, 60% chance to stun for 1 seconds.
Level 6: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 242% damage, 63% chance to stun for 2 seconds.
Level 7: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 249% damage, 66% chance to stun for 2 seconds.
Level 8: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 256% damage, 69% chance to stun for 2 seconds.
Level 9: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 263% damage, 72% chance to stun for 2 seconds.
Level 10: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 270% damage, 75% chance to stun for 2 seconds.
Level 11: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 277% damage, 78% chance to stun for 3 seconds.
Level 12: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 284% damage, 81% chance to stun for 3 seconds.
Level 13: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 291% damage, 84% chance to stun for 3 seconds.
Level 14: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 298% damage, 87% chance to stun for 3 seconds.
Level 15: Force Cost: 25, After moving you can attack up to 6 enemies and deal 305% damage, 90% chance to stun for 3 seconds.
Effects: Effect, Effect0
Description: For a period of time, give damage received back to your enemies and there will be a chance to paralyze the enemy. However, if the enemy’s HP is more than half of its max, you cannot give the enemy the damage back.
Level 1: HP Cost: 70, Duration: 66 seconds, 115% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 33% chance to paralyze the enemy for 1 seconds.Weapon Mastery
Level 2: HP Cost: 70, Duration: 72 seconds, 130% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 36% chance to paralyze the enemy for 1 seconds.
Level 3: HP Cost: 70, Duration: 78 seconds, 145% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 39% chance to paralyze the enemy for 1 seconds.
Level 4: HP Cost: 70, Duration: 84 seconds, 160% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 42% chance to paralyze the enemy for 1 seconds.
Level 5: HP Cost: 90, Duration: 90 seconds, 175% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 45% chance to paralyze the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 6: HP Cost: 90, Duration: 96 seconds, 190% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 48% chance to paralyze the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 7: HP Cost: 90, Duration: 102 seconds, 205% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 51% chance to paralyze the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 8: HP Cost: 90, Duration: 108 seconds, 220% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 54% chance to paralyze the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 9: HP Cost: 90, Duration: 114 seconds, 235% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 57% chance to paralyze the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 10: HP Cost: 110, Duration: 120 seconds, 250% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 60% chance to paralyze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 11: HP Cost: 110, Duration: 126 seconds, 265% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 63% chance to paralyze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 12: HP Cost: 110, Duration: 132 seconds, 280% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 66% chance to paralyze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 13: HP Cost: 110, Duration: 138 seconds, 295% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 69% chance to paralyze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 14: HP Cost: 110, Duration: 144 seconds, 310% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 72% chance to paralyze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 15: HP Cost: 130, Duration: 150 seconds, 325% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 75% chance to paralyze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 16: HP Cost: 130, Duration: 156 seconds, 340% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 78% chance to paralyze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 17: HP Cost: 130, Duration: 162 seconds, 355% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 81% chance to paralyze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 18: HP Cost: 130, Duration: 168 seconds, 370% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 84% chance to paralyze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 19: HP Cost: 130, Duration: 174 seconds, 385% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 87% chance to paralyze the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 20: HP Cost: 150, Duration: 180 seconds, 400% of the damage received will be dealt on the enemy, 90% chance to paralyze the enemy for 5 seconds.
Description: Increases your Mastery and Accuracy when equipping a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe.
Level 1: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +12 Mastery and +6 Accuracy.Physical Training
Level 2: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +14 Mastery and +12 Accuracy.
Level 3: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +16 Mastery and +18 Accuracy.
Level 4: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +18 Mastery and +24 Accuracy.
Level 5: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +20 Mastery and +30 Accuracy.
Level 6: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +22 Mastery and +36 Accuracy.
Level 7: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +24 Mastery and +42 Accuracy.
Level 8: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +26 Mastery and +48 Accuracy.
Level 9: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +28 Mastery and +54 Accuracy.
Level 10: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +30 Mastery and +60 Accuracy.
Level 11: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +32 Mastery and +66 Accuracy.
Level 12: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +34 Mastery and +72 Accuracy.
Level 13: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +36 Mastery and +78 Accuracy.
Level 14: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +38 Mastery and +84 Accuracy.
Level 15: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +40 Mastery and +90 Accuracy.
Level 16: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +42 Mastery and +96 Accuracy.
Level 17: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +44 Mastery and +102 Accuracy.
Level 18: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +46 Mastery and +108 Accuracy.
Level 19: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +48 Mastery and +114 Accuracy.
Level 20: When a one-handed Blunt Weapon or one-handed Axe is equipped, +50 Mastery and +120 Accuracy.
Description: Permanently improves strength and dexterity.
Level 1: STR +3, DEX +3.Outrage
Level 2: STR +6, DEX +6.
Level 3: STR +9, DEX +9.
Level 4: STR +12, DEX +12.
Level 5: STR +15, DEX +15.
Level 6: STR +18, DEX +18.
Level 7: STR +21, DEX +21.
Level 8: STR +24, DEX +24.
Level 9: STR +27, DEX +27.
Level 10: STR +30, DEX +30.
Description: Permanently increases your damage and critical rate.
Level 1: ATT +6, Critical Rate +1%.Demon Slash First Reinforcement
Level 2: ATT +7, Critical Rate +2%.
Level 3: ATT +8, Critical Rate +3%.
Level 4: ATT +9, Critical Rate +4%.
Level 5: ATT +10, Critical Rate +5%.
Level 6: ATT +11, Critical Rate +6%.
Level 7: ATT +12, Critical Rate +7%.
Level 8: ATT +13, Critical Rate +8%.
Level 9: ATT +14, Critical Rate +9%.
Level 10: ATT +15, Critical Rate +10%.
Level 11: ATT +16, Critical Rate +11%.
Level 12: ATT +17, Critical Rate +12%.
Level 13: ATT +18, Critical Rate +13%.
Level 14: ATT +19, Critical Rate +14%.
Level 15: ATT +20, Critical Rate +15%.
Level 16: ATT +21, Critical Rate +16%.
Level 17: ATT +22, Critical Rate +17%.
Level 18: ATT +23, Critical Rate +18%.
Level 19: ATT +24, Critical Rate +19%.
Level 20: ATT +25, Critical Rate +20%.
Description: Permanently enhances the damage of Demon Slash.
Level 1: Demon Slash’s Damage +30%.Nota acerca de este skill skill: No necesitas agregarle 1 SP, se agrega automaticamente.
3rd Job
Demon Slayer 3rdDark Judgement
Effects: Effect, Hit.
Description: Attacks multiple enemies from both sides and deals fatal damage. Additional Critical Rate will be applied.
Level 1: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 243%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +2%.Death Draw
Level 2: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 246%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +4%.
Level 3: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 249%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +6%.
Level 4: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 252%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +8%.
Level 5: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 255%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +10%.
Level 6: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 258%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +12%.
Level 7: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 261%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +14%.
Level 8: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 264%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +16%.
Level 9: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 267%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +18%.
Level 10: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 270%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +20%.
Level 11: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 273%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +22%.
Level 12: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 276%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +24%.
Level 13: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 279%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +26%.
Level 14: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 282%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +28%.
Level 15: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 285%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +30%.
Level 16: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 288%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +32%.
Level 17: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 291%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +34%.
Level 18: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 294%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +36%.
Level 19: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 297%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +38%.
Level 20: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 40, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 300%, Number of attacks: 4, Critical Rate +40%.
Effects: Effect, Effect0, Hit -> 1, 2, Mob.
Author’s notes: The effect is actually pretty cool.
Description: Drag a majority of the enemies nearby and deal damage. A few of the dragged enemies will be stunned for a certain period of time.
Level 1: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 152%, Number of attacks: 3, 52% chance to stun the enemy for 1 seconds.Bloody Raven
Level 2: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 154%, Number of attacks: 3, 54% chance to stun the enemy for 1 seconds.
Level 3: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 156%, Number of attacks: 3, 56% chance to stun the enemy for 1 seconds.
Level 4: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 158%, Number of attacks: 3, 58% chance to stun the enemy for 1 seconds.
Level 5: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 160%, Number of attacks: 3, 60% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 6: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 162%, Number of attacks: 3, 62% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 7: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 164%, Number of attacks: 3, 64% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 8: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 166%, Number of attacks: 3, 66% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 9: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 168%, Number of attacks: 3, 68% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.
Level 10: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 170%, Number of attacks: 3, 70% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 11: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 172%, Number of attacks: 3, 72% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 12: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 174%, Number of attacks: 3, 74% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 13: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 176%, Number of attacks: 3, 76% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 14: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 178%, Number of attacks: 3, 78% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 15: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 180%, Number of attacks: 3, 80% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 16: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 182%, Number of attacks: 3, 82% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 17: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 184%, Number of attacks: 3, 84% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 18: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 186%, Number of attacks: 3, 86% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 19: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 188%, Number of attacks: 3, 88% chance to stun the enemy for 4 seconds.
Level 20: Force Cost: 18, Attacks up to 10 enemies, Damage: 190%, Number of attacks: 3, 90% chance to stun the enemy for 5 seconds.
Effects: Effect, Affected, Hit.
Description: Summons a heard of red ravens to attack a large number of enemies in front of you, then use the damage to heal some of your HP.
Level 1: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 132%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 21% of your MaxHP.Dark Endurance
Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Level 2: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 134%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 22% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 19 seconds.
Level 3: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 136%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 23% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 19 seconds.
Level 4: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 138%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 24% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 18 seconds.
Level 5: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 140%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 25% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 18 seconds.
Level 6: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 142%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 26% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 17 seconds.
Level 7: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 144%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 27% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 17 seconds.
Level 8: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 146%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 28% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 16 seconds.
Level 9: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 148%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 29% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 16 seconds.
Level 10: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 150%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 30% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Level 11: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 152%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 31% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Level 12: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 154%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 32% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 14 seconds.
Level 13: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 156%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 33% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 14 seconds.
Level 14: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 158%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 34% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 13 seconds.
Level 15: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 160%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 35% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 13 seconds.
Level 16: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 162%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 36% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Level 17: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 164%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 37% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Level 18: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 166%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 38% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 11 seconds.
Level 19: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 168%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 39% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 11 seconds.
Level 20: Force Cost: 25, Attacks up to 8 enemies, Damage: 170%, Number of attacks: 4, Recovers 40% of your MaxHP.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Effects: Effect.
Description: For a period of time, defense, resistance to states, and elemental resistance will dramatically increase
Level 1: HP Cost: 100, Duration: 66 seconds, DEF +5%, Resistance to states +4%, Elemental Resistance +4%.Demonic Breath
Level 2: HP Cost: 100, Duration: 72 seconds, DEF +10%, Resistance to states +8%, Elemental Resistance +8%.
Level 3: HP Cost: 100, Duration: 78 seconds, DEF +15%, Resistance to states +12%, Elemental Resistance +12%.
Level 4: HP Cost: 120, Duration: 84 seconds, DEF +20%, Resistance to states +16%, Elemental Resistance +16%.
Level 5: HP Cost: 120, Duration: 90 seconds, DEF +25%, Resistance to states +20%, Elemental Resistance +20%.
Level 6: HP Cost: 120, Duration: 96 seconds, DEF +30%, Resistance to states +24%, Elemental Resistance +24%.
Level 7: HP Cost: 120, Duration: 102 seconds, DEF +35%, Resistance to states +28%, Elemental Resistance +28%.
Level 8: HP Cost: 140, Duration: 108 seconds, DEF +40%, Resistance to states +32%, Elemental Resistance +32%.
Level 9: HP Cost: 140, Duration: 114 seconds, DEF +45%, Resistance to states +36%, Elemental Resistance +36%.
Level 10: HP Cost: 140, Duration: 120 seconds, DEF +50%, Resistance to states +40%, Elemental Resistance +40%.
Level 11: HP Cost: 140, Duration: 126 seconds, DEF +55%, Resistance to states +44%, Elemental Resistance +44%.
Level 12: HP Cost: 160, Duration: 132 seconds, DEF +60%, Resistance to states +48%, Elemental Resistance +48%.
Level 13: HP Cost: 160, Duration: 138 seconds, DEF +65%, Resistance to states +52%, Elemental Resistance +52%.
Level 14: HP Cost: 160, Duration: 144 seconds, DEF +70%, Resistance to states +56%, Elemental Resistance +56%.
Level 15: HP Cost: 160, Duration: 150 seconds, DEF +75%, Resistance to states +60%, Elemental Resistance +60%.
Level 16: HP Cost: 180, Duration: 156 seconds, DEF +80%, Resistance to states +64%, Elemental Resistance +64%.
Level 17: HP Cost: 180, Duration: 162 seconds, DEF +85%, Resistance to states +68%, Elemental Resistance +68%.
Level 18: HP Cost: 180, Duration: 168 seconds, DEF +90%, Resistance to states +72%, Elemental Resistance +72%.
Level 19: HP Cost: 180, Duration: 174 seconds, DEF +95%, Resistance to states +76%, Elemental Resistance +76%.
Level 20: HP Cost: 200, Duration: 180 seconds, DEF +100%, Resistance to states +80%, Elemental Resistance +80%.
Effects: Prepare, Keydown, Keydowned, Hit, Mob.
Description: Use the demon’s poison to attack a large number of enemies at the same time. Continuous damage will be dealt on the enemies.
Level 1: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 131%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 4 seconds and receive 97% damage every 97Interval seconds.Evil Touch
Level 2: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 133%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 4 seconds and receive 99% damage every 99Interval seconds.
Level 3: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 135%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 4 seconds and receive 101% damage every 101Interval seconds.
Level 4: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 137%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 4 seconds and receive 103% damage every 103Interval seconds.
Level 5: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 139%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 5 seconds and receive 105% damage every 105Interval seconds.
Level 6: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 141%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 5 seconds and receive 107% damage every 107Interval seconds.
Level 7: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 143%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 5 seconds and receive 109% damage every 109Interval seconds.
Level 8: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 145%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 5 seconds and receive 111% damage every 111Interval seconds.
Level 9: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 147%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 5 seconds and receive 113% damage every 113Interval seconds.
Level 10: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 149%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 6 seconds and receive 115% damage every 115Interval seconds.
Level 11: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 151%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 6 seconds and receive 117% damage every 117Interval seconds.
Level 12: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 153%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 6 seconds and receive 119% damage every 119Interval seconds.
Level 13: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 155%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 6 seconds and receive 121% damage every 121Interval seconds.
Level 14: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 157%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 6 seconds and receive 123% damage every 123Interval seconds.
Level 15: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 159%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 7 seconds and receive 125% damage every 125Interval seconds.
Level 16: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 161%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 7 seconds and receive 127% damage every 127Interval seconds.
Level 17: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 163%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 7 seconds and receive 129% damage every 129Interval seconds.
Level 18: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 165%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 7 seconds and receive 131% damage every 131Interval seconds.
Level 19: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 167%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 7 seconds and receive 133% damage every 133Interval seconds.
Level 20: HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12, Hold the skill’s key and attack up to 10 enemies, Damage: 169%, Number of attacks: 4, Enemies will be poisoned for 8 seconds and receive 135% damage every 135Interval seconds.
Description: If the enemy you attack is in more than one state, your damage and critical rate will increase.
Level 1: Enemies with more than one state will receive 1% more damage, Critical Rate +1%.Concentration
Level 2: Enemies with more than one state will receive 2% more damage, Critical Rate +2%.
Level 3: Enemies with more than one state will receive 3% more damage, Critical Rate +3%.
Level 4: Enemies with more than one state will receive 4% more damage, Critical Rate +4%.
Level 5: Enemies with more than one state will receive 5% more damage, Critical Rate +5%.
Level 6: Enemies with more than one state will receive 6% more damage, Critical Rate +6%.
Level 7: Enemies with more than one state will receive 7% more damage, Critical Rate +7%.
Level 8: Enemies with more than one state will receive 8% more damage, Critical Rate +8%.
Level 9: Enemies with more than one state will receive 9% more damage, Critical Rate +9%.
Level 10: Enemies with more than one state will receive 10% more damage, Critical Rate +10%.
Level 11: Enemies with more than one state will receive 11% more damage, Critical Rate +11%.
Level 12: Enemies with more than one state will receive 12% more damage, Critical Rate +12%.
Level 13: Enemies with more than one state will receive 13% more damage, Critical Rate +13%.
Level 14: Enemies with more than one state will receive 14% more damage, Critical Rate +14%.
Level 15: Enemies with more than one state will receive 15% more damage, Critical Rate +15%.
Description: Through mental concentration, attack speed will be improved by 1 and damage will be improved permanently.
Level 1: Damage +6%, Attack Speed increased.Force Guard
Level 2: Damage +7%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 3: Damage +8%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 4: Damage +9%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 5: Damage +10%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 6: Damage +11%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 7: Damage +12%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 8: Damage +13%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 9: Damage +14%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 10: Damage +15%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 11: Damage +16%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 12: Damage +17%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 13: Damage +18%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 14: Damage +19%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 15: Damage +20%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 16: Damage +21%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 17: Damage +22%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 18: Damage +23%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 19: Damage +24%, Attack Speed increased.
Level 20: Damage +25%, Attack Speed increased.
Description: A chance to attack the enemy with a shield to guard. If guarding is successful, Force and HP will slightly recover.
Level 1: 2% chance to guard when hit, if successful 1% of your MaxHP and 1 Force will be recovered.Max Force
Level 2: 4% chance to guard when hit, if successful 1% of your MaxHP and 1 Force will be recovered.
Level 3: 6% chance to guard when hit, if successful 1% of your MaxHP and 1 Force will be recovered.
Level 4: 8% chance to guard when hit, if successful 1% of your MaxHP and 2 Force will be recovered.
Level 5: 10% chance to guard when hit, if successful 1% of your MaxHP and 2 Force will be recovered.
Level 6: 12% chance to guard when hit, if successful 2% of your MaxHP and 2 Force will be recovered.
Level 7: 14% chance to guard when hit, if successful 2% of your MaxHP and 3 Force will be recovered.
Level 8: 16% chance to guard when hit, if successful 2% of your MaxHP and 3 Force will be recovered.
Level 9: 18% chance to guard when hit, if successful 2% of your MaxHP and 3 Force will be recovered.
Level 10: 20% chance to guard when hit, if successful 2% of your MaxHP and 4 Force will be recovered.
Level 11: 22% chance to guard when hit, if successful 3% of your MaxHP and 4 Force will be recovered.
Level 12: 24% chance to guard when hit, if successful 3% of your MaxHP and 4 Force will be recovered.
Level 13: 26% chance to guard when hit, if successful 3% of your MaxHP and 5 Force will be recovered.
Level 14: 28% chance to guard when hit, if successful 3% of your MaxHP and 5 Force will be recovered.
Level 15: 30% chance to guard when hit, if successful 3% of your MaxHP and 5 Force will be recovered.
Description: Slash forward and obtain Force and in addition there’s a chance to automatically restore a certain amount of force every 4 seconds.
Level 1: Slash your demon forward and there will be a 15% chance of additionaly Force absorbtion, 2 Force will be recovered every 4 seconds.Demon Slash Second Reinforcement
Level 2: Slash your demon forward and there will be a 30% chance of additionaly Force absorbtion, 4 Force will be recovered every 4 seconds.
Level 3: Slash your demon forward and there will be a 45% chance of additionaly Force absorbtion, 6 Force will be recovered every 4 seconds.
Level 4: Slash your demon forward and there will be a 60% chance of additionaly Force absorbtion, 8 Force will be recovered every 4 seconds.
Level 5: Slash your demon forward and there will be a 75% chance of additionaly Force absorbtion, 10 Force will be recovered every 4 seconds.
Description: Enhances the damage of Demon Slash.
Required Skill: Demon Slash First Reinforcement lv. 1
Level 1: Additional 80% damage to Demon Slash.
(Final Damage: 120%)]
4th Job
Demon Slayer 4thDemon Explosion
Effects: Effect, Effect0, Hit. From dummy skill: Effect0, Hit.
Description: Float in the air in all directions and deal fatal damage on a large number of enemies. Damage after the explosion while floating will be 100% critical.
Level 1: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 255% damage before floating, 248% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.Demon Impact
Level 2: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 260% damage before floating, 251% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 3: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 265% damage before floating, 254% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 4: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 270% damage before floating, 257% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 5: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 275% damage before floating, 260% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 6: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 280% damage before floating, 263% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 7: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 285% damage before floating, 266% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 8: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 290% damage before floating, 269% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 9: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 295% damage before floating, 272% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 10: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 300% damage before floating, 275% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 11: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 305% damage before floating, 278% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 12: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 310% damage before floating, 281% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 13: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 315% damage before floating, 284% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 14: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 320% damage before floating, 287% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 15: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 325% damage before floating, 290% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 16: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 330% damage before floating, 293% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 17: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 335% damage before floating, 296% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 18: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 340% damage before floating, 299% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 19: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 345% damage before floating, 302% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 20: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 350% damage before floating, 305% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 21: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 355% damage before floating, 308% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 22: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 360% damage before floating, 311% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 23: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 365% damage before floating, 314% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 24: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 370% damage before floating, 317% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 25: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 375% damage before floating, 320% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 26: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 380% damage before floating, 323% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 27: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 385% damage before floating, 326% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 28: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 390% damage before floating, 329% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 29: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 395% damage before floating, 332% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Level 30: HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 10 enemies, 400% damage before floating, 335% damage 4 times all critical attacks while floating.
Effects: Effect, Hit.
Author’s notes: Whoa that’s actually pretty cool.
Description: Instantly use your potential power to push a large number of enemies forward and deal lethal damage. Demon Impact may add additional critical rate and ignore monster’s DEF if the enemy is a boss who was amplified by the final damage.
Level 1: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 284%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 21% of its DEF, final damage increased by 1%.Vampiric Touch
Level 2: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 288%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 22% of its DEF, final damage increased by 2%.
Level 3: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 292%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 23% of its DEF, final damage increased by 3%.
Level 4: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 296%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 24% of its DEF, final damage increased by 4%.
Level 5: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 300%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 25% of its DEF, final damage increased by 5%.
Level 6: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 304%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 26% of its DEF, final damage increased by 6%.
Level 7: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 308%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 27% of its DEF, final damage increased by 7%.
Level 8: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 312%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 28% of its DEF, final damage increased by 8%.
Level 9: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 316%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 29% of its DEF, final damage increased by 9%.
Level 10: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 320%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 30% of its DEF, final damage increased by 10%.
Level 11: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 324%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 31% of its DEF, final damage increased by 11%.
Level 12: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 328%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 32% of its DEF, final damage increased by 12%.
Level 13: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 332%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 33% of its DEF, final damage increased by 13%.
Level 14: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 336%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 34% of its DEF, final damage increased by 14%.
Level 15: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 340%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 35% of its DEF, final damage increased by 15%.
Level 16: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 344%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 36% of its DEF, final damage increased by 16%.
Level 17: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 348%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 37% of its DEF, final damage increased by 17%.
Level 18: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 352%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 38% of its DEF, final damage increased by 18%.
Level 19: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 356%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 39% of its DEF, final damage increased by 19%.
Level 20: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 360%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 40% of its DEF, final damage increased by 20%.
Level 21: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 364%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 41% of its DEF, final damage increased by 21%.
Level 22: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 368%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 42% of its DEF, final damage increased by 22%.
Level 23: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 372%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 43% of its DEF, final damage increased by 23%.
Level 24: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 376%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 44% of its DEF, final damage increased by 24%.
Level 25: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 380%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 45% of its DEF, final damage increased by 25%.
Level 26: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 384%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 46% of its DEF, final damage increased by 26%.
Level 27: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 388%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 47% of its DEF, final damage increased by 27%.
Level 28: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 392%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 48% of its DEF, final damage increased by 28%.
Level 29: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 396%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 49% of its DEF, final damage increased by 29%.
Level 30: Force Cost: 30, Attacks up to 3 enemies, Damage: 400%, Number of attacks: 5, If the enemy is a boss +100% critical rate, ignores 50% of its DEF, final damage increased by 30%.
Effects: Effect.
Description: For a period of time, some of the damage inflicted on party members will be healed as HP. However, cannot recover more than 3% of the person’s MaxHP per hit.
Level 1: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 72, 1% of the damage will be recovered as HP.Devil Cry
Level 2: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 84, 1% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 3: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 96, 1% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 4: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 108, 1% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 5: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 120, 2% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 6: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 132, 2% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 7: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 144, 2% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 8: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 156, 2% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 9: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 168, 2% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Level 10: Force Cost: 50, Duration: 180, 3% of the damage will be recovered as HP.
Effects: Effect, Hit, Mob.
Description: Instantly releases your potential power and threatens everything everywhere, deals a strong damage to the majority of the enemies. The enemy’s defense, attack power, and accuracy will decrease and the EXP and drop probability will increase.
Level 1: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 153%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 10 seconds, Defense will decrease by 5%, Accuracy will decrease by 1%, EXP increases, +1% chance of item drop.Maple Warrior
Level 2: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 156%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 10 seconds, Defense will decrease by 6%, Accuracy will decrease by 2%, EXP increases, +2% chance of item drop.
Level 3: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 159%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 10 seconds, Defense will decrease by 6%, Accuracy will decrease by 3%, EXP increases, +3% chance of item drop.
Level 4: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 162%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 11 seconds, Defense will decrease by 7%, Accuracy will decrease by 4%, EXP increases, +4% chance of item drop.
Level 5: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 165%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 11 seconds, Defense will decrease by 7%, Accuracy will decrease by 5%, EXP increases, +5% chance of item drop.
Level 6: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 168%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 11 seconds, Defense will decrease by 8%, Accuracy will decrease by 6%, EXP increases, +6% chance of item drop.
Level 7: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 171%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 11 seconds, Defense will decrease by 8%, Accuracy will decrease by 7%, EXP increases, +7% chance of item drop.
Level 8: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 174%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 12 seconds, Defense will decrease by 9%, Accuracy will decrease by 8%, EXP increases, +8% chance of item drop.
Level 9: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 177%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 12 seconds, Defense will decrease by 9%, Accuracy will decrease by 9%, EXP increases, +9% chance of item drop.
Level 10: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 180%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 12 seconds, Defense will decrease by 10%, Accuracy will decrease by 10%, EXP increases, +10% chance of item drop.
Level 11: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 183%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 12 seconds, Defense will decrease by 10%, Accuracy will decrease by 11%, EXP increases, +11% chance of item drop.
Level 12: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 186%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 13 seconds, Defense will decrease by 11%, Accuracy will decrease by 12%, EXP increases, +12% chance of item drop.
Level 13: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 189%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 13 seconds, Defense will decrease by 11%, Accuracy will decrease by 13%, EXP increases, +13% chance of item drop.
Level 14: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 192%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 13 seconds, Defense will decrease by 12%, Accuracy will decrease by 14%, EXP increases, +14% chance of item drop.
Level 15: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 195%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 13 seconds, Defense will decrease by 12%, Accuracy will decrease by 15%, EXP increases, +15% chance of item drop.
Level 16: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 198%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 14 seconds, Defense will decrease by 13%, Accuracy will decrease by 16%, EXP increases, +16% chance of item drop.
Level 17: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 201%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 14 seconds, Defense will decrease by 13%, Accuracy will decrease by 17%, EXP increases, +17% chance of item drop.
Level 18: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 204%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 14 seconds, Defense will decrease by 14%, Accuracy will decrease by 18%, EXP increases, +18% chance of item drop.
Level 19: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 207%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 14 seconds, Defense will decrease by 14%, Accuracy will decrease by 19%, EXP increases, +19% chance of item drop.
Level 20: HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 60, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 210%, Number of Attacks: 5. For 15 seconds, Defense will decrease by 15%, Accuracy will decrease by 20%, EXP increases, +20% chance of item drop.
Effects: Effect, Affected.
Description: For a period of time, all the stats of your party members will rise by a certain percentage.
Level 1: HP Cost: 150, Duration: 30 seconds, All stats +1%.Metamorphosis
Level 2: HP Cost: 150, Duration: 60 seconds, All stats +1%.
Level 3: HP Cost: 150, Duration: 90 seconds, All stats +2%.
Level 4: HP Cost: 200, Duration: 120 seconds, All stats +2%.
Level 5: HP Cost: 200, Duration: 150 seconds, All stats +3%.
Level 6: HP Cost: 200, Duration: 180 seconds, All stats +3%.
Level 7: HP Cost: 200, Duration: 210 seconds, All stats +4%.
Level 8: HP Cost: 250, Duration: 240 seconds, All stats +4%.
Level 9: HP Cost: 250, Duration: 270 seconds, All stats +5%.
Level 10: HP Cost: 250, Duration: 300 seconds, All stats +5%.
Level 11: HP Cost: 250, Duration: 330 seconds, All stats +6%.
Level 12: HP Cost: 300, Duration: 360 seconds, All stats +6%.
Level 13: HP Cost: 300, Duration: 390 seconds, All stats +7%.
Level 14: HP Cost: 300, Duration: 420 seconds, All stats +7%.
Level 15: HP Cost: 300, Duration: 450 seconds, All stats +8%.
Level 16: HP Cost: 350, Duration: 480 seconds, All stats +8%.
Level 17: HP Cost: 350, Duration: 510 seconds, All stats +9%.
Level 18: HP Cost: 350, Duration: 540 seconds, All stats +9%.
Level 19: HP Cost: 350, Duration: 570 seconds, All stats +10%.
Level 20: HP Cost: 400, Duration: 600 seconds, All stats +10%.
Level 21: HP Cost: 400, Duration: 630 seconds, All stats +11%.
Level 22: HP Cost: 400, Duration: 660 seconds, All stats +11%.
Level 23: HP Cost: 400, Duration: 690 seconds, All stats +12%.
Level 24: HP Cost: 450, Duration: 720 seconds, All stats +12%.
Level 25: HP Cost: 450, Duration: 750 seconds, All stats +13%.
Level 26: HP Cost: 450, Duration: 780 seconds, All stats +13%.
Level 27: HP Cost: 450, Duration: 810 seconds, All stats +14%.
Level 28: HP Cost: 500, Duration: 840 seconds, All stats +14%.
Level 29: HP Cost: 500, Duration: 870 seconds, All stats +15%.
Level 30: HP Cost: 500, Duration: 900 seconds, All stats +15%.
Effects: Effect, Effect0, Hit, Special.
Description: For a period of time, enable your potential and increase your damage and MaxHP. Additionally, Metamorphosis will summon two dark specs that will rapidly rotate arount the caster and automatically attack multiple enemies.
Level 1: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 64 seconds, Damage +6%, MaxHP +6%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 63%.Dark Bind
Level 2: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 68 seconds, Damage +7%, MaxHP +6%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 66%.
Level 3: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 72 seconds, Damage +8%, MaxHP +7%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 69%.
Level 4: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 76 seconds, Damage +9%, MaxHP +7%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 72%.
Level 5: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 80 seconds, Damage +10%, MaxHP +8%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 75%.
Level 6: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 84 seconds, Damage +11%, MaxHP +8%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 78%.
Level 7: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 88 seconds, Damage +12%, MaxHP +9%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 81%.
Level 8: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 92 seconds, Damage +13%, MaxHP +9%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 84%.
Level 9: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 96 seconds, Damage +14%, MaxHP +10%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 87%.
Level 10: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 100 seconds, Damage +15%, MaxHP +10%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 90%.
Level 11: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 104 seconds, Damage +16%, MaxHP +11%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 93%.
Level 12: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 108 seconds, Damage +17%, MaxHP +11%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 96%.
Level 13: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 112 seconds, Damage +18%, MaxHP +12%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 99%.
Level 14: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 116 seconds, Damage +19%, MaxHP +12%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 102%.
Level 15: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 120 seconds, Damage +20%, MaxHP +13%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 105%.
Level 16: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 124 seconds, Damage +21%, MaxHP +13%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 108%.
Level 17: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 128 seconds, Damage +22%, MaxHP +14%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 111%.
Level 18: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 132 seconds, Damage +23%, MaxHP +14%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 114%.
Level 19: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 136 seconds, Damage +24%, MaxHP +15%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 117%.
Level 20: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 140 seconds, Damage +25%, MaxHP +15%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 120%.
Level 21: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 144 seconds, Damage +26%, MaxHP +16%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 123%.
Level 22: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 148 seconds, Damage +27%, MaxHP +16%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 126%.
Level 23: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 152 seconds, Damage +28%, MaxHP +17%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 129%.
Level 24: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 156 seconds, Damage +29%, MaxHP +17%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 132%.
Level 25: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 160 seconds, Damage +30%, MaxHP +18%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 135%.
Level 26: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 164 seconds, Damage +31%, MaxHP +18%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 138%.
Level 27: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 168 seconds, Damage +32%, MaxHP +19%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 141%.
Level 28: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 172 seconds, Damage +33%, MaxHP +19%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 144%.
Level 29: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 176 seconds, Damage +34%, MaxHP +20%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 147%.
Level 30: HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 180 seconds, Damage +35%, MaxHP +20%, Damage dealt on surrounding enemies automatically: 150%.
Effects: Effect, Hit, Mob.
Description: Has a chance to conduct surrounding enemies and continuously deal damage. In addition, the enemy’s DEF may be ignored to a certain level, and Dark Bind’s passive effects can be applied to bosses as well.
Level 1: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 615%, Duration: 10 seconds, 60% chance to deal continuous 105% damage every 105Interval seconds.Infinity Force
Cooldown : 180 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 11% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 2: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 630%, Duration: 11 seconds, 64% chance to deal continuous 110% damage every 110Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 180 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 12% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 3: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 645%, Duration: 11 seconds, 64% chance to deal continuous 115% damage every 115Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 180 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 13% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 4: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 660%, Duration: 12 seconds, 68% chance to deal continuous 120% damage every 120Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 168 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 14% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 5: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 675%, Duration: 12 seconds, 68% chance to deal continuous 125% damage every 125Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 168 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 15% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 6: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 690%, Duration: 13 seconds, 72% chance to deal continuous 130% damage every 130Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 168 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 16% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 7: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 705%, Duration: 13 seconds, 72% chance to deal continuous 135% damage every 135Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 168 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 17% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 8: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 720%, Duration: 14 seconds, 76% chance to deal continuous 140% damage every 140Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 156 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 18% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 9: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 735%, Duration: 14 seconds, 76% chance to deal continuous 145% damage every 145Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 156 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 19% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 10: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 750%, Duration: 15 seconds, 80% chance to deal continuous 150% damage every 150Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 156 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 20% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 11: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 765%, Duration: 15 seconds, 80% chance to deal continuous 155% damage every 155Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 156 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 21% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 12: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 780%, Duration: 16 seconds, 84% chance to deal continuous 160% damage every 160Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 144 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 22% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 13: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 795%, Duration: 16 seconds, 84% chance to deal continuous 165% damage every 165Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 144 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 23% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 14: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 810%, Duration: 17 seconds, 88% chance to deal continuous 170% damage every 170Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 144 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 24% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 15: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 825%, Duration: 17 seconds, 88% chance to deal continuous 175% damage every 175Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 144 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 25% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 16: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 840%, Duration: 18 seconds, 92% chance to deal continuous 180% damage every 180Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 132 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 26% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 17: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 855%, Duration: 18 seconds, 92% chance to deal continuous 185% damage every 185Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 132 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 27% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 18: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 870%, Duration: 19 seconds, 96% chance to deal continuous 190% damage every 190Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 132 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 28% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 19: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 885%, Duration: 19 seconds, 96% chance to deal continuous 195% damage every 195Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 132 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 29% of the enemy’s DEF.
Level 20: Active Effects: Force Cost: 80, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 900%, Duration: 20 seconds, 100% chance to deal continuous 200% damage every 200Interval seconds.
Cooldown : 120 seconds.
Passive Effects: Permanently ignores 30% of the enemy’s DEF.
Effects: Effect.
Description: Instead of spending all your force, for a period of time you can use your skills without the need of force. However, the skill has a cooldown.
Level 1: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 10 seconds.Advanced Weapon Mastery
Cooldown: 580 seconds.
Level 2: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 560 seconds.
Level 3: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 540 seconds.
Level 4: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 15 seconds.
Cooldown: 520 seconds.
Level 5: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 15 seconds.
Cooldown: 500 seconds.
Level 6: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 15 seconds.
Cooldown: 480 seconds.
Level 7: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 460 seconds.
Level 8: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 440 seconds.
Level 9: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 420 seconds.
Level 10: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 25 seconds.
Cooldown: 400 seconds.
Level 11: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 25 seconds.
Cooldown: 380 seconds.
Level 12: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 25 seconds.
Cooldown: 360 seconds.
Level 13: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 30 seconds.
Cooldown: 340 seconds.
Level 14: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 30 seconds.
Cooldown: 320 seconds.
Level 15: Force Cost: 120, Duration: 30 seconds.
Cooldown: 300 seconds.
Description: Improves the mastery, minimum critical damage, and physical damage when equipping a one-handed mace or one-handed axe.
Required Skill: Weapon Mastery lv. 20
Level 1: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +56%, Physical Damage +1, Minimum Critical Damage +1%.Hard Skin
Level 2: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +56%, Physical Damage +2, Minimum Critical Damage +1%.
Level 3: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +57%, Physical Damage +3, Minimum Critical Damage +2%.
Level 4: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +57%, Physical Damage +4, Minimum Critical Damage +2%.
Level 5: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +58%, Physical Damage +5, Minimum Critical Damage +3%.
Level 6: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +58%, Physical Damage +6, Minimum Critical Damage +3%.
Level 7: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +59%, Physical Damage +7, Minimum Critical Damage +4%.
Level 8: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +59%, Physical Damage +8, Minimum Critical Damage +4%.
Level 9: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +60%, Physical Damage +9, Minimum Critical Damage +5%.
Level 10: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +60%, Physical Damage +10, Minimum Critical Damage +5%.
Level 11: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +61%, Physical Damage +11, Minimum Critical Damage +6%.
Level 12: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +61%, Physical Damage +12, Minimum Critical Damage +6%.
Level 13: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +62%, Physical Damage +13, Minimum Critical Damage +7%.
Level 14: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +62%, Physical Damage +14, Minimum Critical Damage +7%.
Level 15: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +63%, Physical Damage +15, Minimum Critical Damage +8%.
Level 16: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +63%, Physical Damage +16, Minimum Critical Damage +8%.
Level 17: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +64%, Physical Damage +17, Minimum Critical Damage +9%.
Level 18: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +64%, Physical Damage +18, Minimum Critical Damage +9%.
Level 19: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +65%, Physical Damage +19, Minimum Critical Damage +10%.
Level 20: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +65%, Physical Damage +20, Minimum Critical Damage +10%.
Level 21: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +66%, Physical Damage +21, Minimum Critical Damage +11%.
Level 22: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +66%, Physical Damage +22, Minimum Critical Damage +11%.
Level 23: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +67%, Physical Damage +23, Minimum Critical Damage +12%.
Level 24: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +67%, Physical Damage +24, Minimum Critical Damage +12%.
Level 25: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +68%, Physical Damage +25, Minimum Critical Damage +13%.
Level 26: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +68%, Physical Damage +26, Minimum Critical Damage +13%.
Level 27: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +69%, Physical Damage +27, Minimum Critical Damage +14%.
Level 28: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +69%, Physical Damage +28, Minimum Critical Damage +14%.
Level 29: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +70%, Physical Damage +29, Minimum Critical Damage +15%.
Level 30: When a one-handed mace or a one-handed axe is used, Mastery +70%, Physical Damage +30, Minimum Critical Damage +15%.
Effects: Special.
Description: Permanently strengthens your body and reduces the enemy’s damage.
Level 1: Permanently reduces the damage by 5.5%.Demon Slash Final Reinforcement
Level 2: Permanently reduces the damage by 6%.
Level 3: Permanently reduces the damage by 6.5%.
Level 4: Permanently reduces the damage by 7%.
Level 5: Permanently reduces the damage by 7.5%.
Level 6: Permanently reduces the damage by 8%.
Level 7: Permanently reduces the damage by 8.5%.
Level 8: Permanently reduces the damage by 9%.
Level 9: Permanently reduces the damage by 9.5%.
Level 10: Permanently reduces the damage by 10%.
Level 11: Permanently reduces the damage by 10.5%.
Level 12: Permanently reduces the damage by 11%.
Level 13: Permanently reduces the damage by 11.5%.
Level 14: Permanently reduces the damage by 12%.
Level 15: Permanently reduces the damage by 12.5%.
Level 16: Permanently reduces the damage by 13%.
Level 17: Permanently reduces the damage by 13.5%.
Level 18: Permanently reduces the damage by 14%.
Level 19: Permanently reduces the damage by 14.5%.
Level 20: Permanently reduces the damage by 15%.
Level 21: Permanently reduces the damage by 15.5%.
Level 22: Permanently reduces the damage by 16%.
Level 23: Permanently reduces the damage by 16.5%.
Level 24: Permanently reduces the damage by 17%.
Level 25: Permanently reduces the damage by 17.5%.
Level 26: Permanently reduces the damage by 18%.
Level 27: Permanently reduces the damage by 18.5%.
Level 28: Permanently reduces the damage by 19%.
Level 29: Permanently reduces the damage by 19.5%.
Level 30: Permanently reduces the damage by 20%.
Description: Enhances the damage of Demon Slash.
Required Skill: Demon Slash Second Reinforcement lv. 1
Level 1: Demon Slash’s damage +160%._______________________________________________________________________________
(Final Damage: 280%)
Hasta aqui llegamos con la información del Demon Slayer, ahora vamos con los otros cambios que sucederan.
Nuevo Rango del Item Potential – "Legendary"
Como dice el titulo, hubo un cambio en los Potential Items, y es que ya no solo llegaran a Unique, si no que hay otro despues de Unique y se llamara Legendary. Entonces el Rango quedaria asi:Rare, Epic, Unique y Legendary.
También, se dice que se ha agregado un nuevo Miracle Cube que te va a hacer llegar facilmente al rango Legendary. Aqui estan los tipos de Potential Stats que puedes obtener en el rango Legendary:
STR : +8/10/12/14/16/18.También agregaron nuevos Decent Skills:
DEX : +8/10/12/14/16/18.
INT : +8/10/12/14/16/18.
LUK : +8/10/12/14/16/18.
MaxHP : +25/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/275/300.
MaxMP : +25/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/275/300.
Acccuracy : +8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/96.
Avoidability : +8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/96.
Speed : +8/10/12/14.
Jump : +8/10/12/14.
Weapon ATT : +8/10/12/14/16/18.
Magic ATT : +8/10/12/14/16/18.
Weapon DEF : +25/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/275/300.
Magic DEF : +25/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/275/300.
STR : +6%/9%/12%.
DEX : +6%/9%/12%.
INT : +6%/9%/12%.
LUK : +6%/9%/12%.
MaxHP : +6%/9%/12%.
MaxMP : +6%/9%/12%.
Accuracy : +6%/9%/12%.
Avoidability : +6%/9%/12%.
Weapon ATT : +6%/9%/12%.
Magic ATT : +6%/9%/12%.
Weapon DEF : +6%/9%/12%.
Magic DEF : +6%/9%/12%.
Critical Rate : +6%/9%/12%.
[Requiere Nivel: 50] Minimum Critical Damage : +3%/6%/9%/12%/15%.
[Requiere Nivel: 50] Maximum Critical Damage : +3%/6%/9%/12%/15%.
Damage : +6%/9%/12%.
All Stats : +4/8/12.
All Stats : +3%/6%/9%.
[Requiere Nivel: 30] All Skills : +2.
[Requiere Nivel: 70] All Skills : +3.
[Requiere Nivel: 70] Elemental Resistance : +5%/10%.
[Requiere Nivel: 70] Abnormal Status Resistance : +5%/10%.
[Requiere Nivel: 50] Chance to ignore monster’s DEF: 35%.
[Requiere Nivel: 100] Chance to ignore monster’s DEF: 40%.
[Requiere Nivel: 20] 10% chance to ignore 20% damage.
[Requiere Nivel: 40] 10% chance to ignore 40% damage.
Invinciblity duration: +3 seconds.
4% chance to become invincible after being hit for 5/6/7 seconds.
10%/20%/30% chance to reflect 20%/35%/50% damage.
10%/20%/30% chance to reflect 30%/50%/70% damage.
Skills’ MP Cost : -5%/10%/15%.
Skills’ MP Cost : -10%/20%/30%.
HP Recovery : +20%/30%/40%.
[Requiere Nivel: 70] Cooldowns : -1 second.
[Requiere Nivel: 120] Cooldowns : -2 seconds.
[Requiere Nivel: 50] Bossing Damage : +30%.
[Requiere Nivel: 100] Bossing Damage : +35%.
[Requiere Nivel: 100] Bossing Damage : +40%.
Obtained Mesos : +10%/15%/20%.
Item Drop Rate : +10%/15%/20%.
[Requiere Nivel: 20] Chance to auto steal when attacking : 3%.
[Requiere Nivel: 40] Chance to auto steal when attacking : 5%.
[Requiere Nivel: 60] Chance to auto steal when attacking : 7%.
Decent Combat Orders
MP Cost: 64, +1 SP on all skills for 240 seconds.
Decent Advanced Bless
MP Cost: 120, Duration: 240 seconds. +20 Weapon ATT, +20 Magic ATT, +425 Weapon DEF, +425 Magic DEF, +260 Accuracy, +260 Avoidability, +475 MaxHP, +475 MaxMP, MP Consumption Reduction: 12%.
Decent Speed Infusion
HP Cost: 80, MP Cost: 80, Speeds up your attacks for 240 seconds.
Y eso ha sido todo de este Legend Update, ahora a esperar a ver que mas se le ocurre a Nexon que podria beneficiar a MapleStory.
Rezeiha ~!
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