Finalmente! Lo que muchos esperaban!
Ascencion Update!
Llamado en Korea MapleStory como Jump Update, ha llegado esta grandiosa actualización para todos nosotros!
Primeramente, les dejo el video que Nexon ha dejado para todos, para el que no lo haya visto:
El video lo que muestra es un repaso de lo que viene en el Update pero claramente no especifica nada, lo que mas vi son los eventos y esas cosas (todo para sacarte NX xD)
En fin... Les hablare primero sobre el Monster Park... Sere breve para ir a lo que nos interesa.
¿Qué es el Monster Park?
El Monster Park es un lugar en la que pueden entrar jugadores a partir de nivel 13+, es perfecto para subir de nivel para cualquier jugador. Y lo mejor de todo, es que es algo asi al estilo Lion King's Castle, que si estas en party ganas un 50% más de Experiencia!
Para entrar a este PQ, necesitas colectar 10 tickets que sueltan los monstruos y cambiarlos al NPC Mary.
Nota: Puede que tengas que cambiarlas segun el nivel, ya que segun es si eres menos de 70, tendrias que tener el Zebra Printed Ticket, y si eres 70+ es el Leopard Printed Ticket, pero eso esta por confirmarse.
Para acceder a este PQ, tiene que ser a traves de el Monster Park Shuttle:
Este te enviara a un channel especifico con personas cercanas a tu nivel.
También consta de diferentes niveles y puedes hacer los niveles que quieras.
Cada nivel consta de 6 Bosses cada uno.
Como Spiegelmann es el dueño del Monster Park, la recompenza sera Spiegelmann Coins, que lo puedes cambiar por el Mustache/Bigote que les dije en ESTE POST y otras cositas mas.
Reorganización de PQ
Como ya saben los PQ se han ido reorganizando... En este Update, reorganizaran los que ya existen y agregaran otros mas.Ahora les presento los 3 nuevos PQ's que agregaran en este Update.
The Ice Knight's Curse (Nivel 30+):
Este Party Quest es sencillisimo... Sere breve también.
Saben el Resurrection of the Hoblin King PQ?... Bueno, es exactamente lo mismo...
Les explico rapidito...
Lo que deben de hacer es proteger a un Mini-Ice Knight de los lobos que aparescan durante el recorrido por exactamente el mismo caminito que llevabas al Shammos, todo igual...
Cuando llegues ya a la cima y todo, lo que debes hacer es eliminar al Boss Ice Knight, y eso es todo.
Sencillo no?
Aqui un video para que se fijen:
Las recompenzas serian estas:
Ice Knight’s Ice Earrings
Level: 45
+2 STR
+2 DEX
+2 INT
+2 LUK
+10 Accuracy
+10 Avoidability
+25 Weapon DEF
+25 Magic DEF
+40 Charm EXP
+1% PvP Damage
Number of upgrades available: 5
Ice Knight’s Iron Chain (?, I don’t see it in the WZ)
Level: 30
+1 STR
+1 DEX
+1 INT
+1 LUK
+5 Speed
+20 Weapon DEF
+20 Magic DEF
+40 Charm EXP
+2% PvP Damage
Number of upgrades available: 5
Kenta in Danger (Nivel 120+):
Necesitas un Party de almenos 3 personas para poder entrar y lo unico que debes hacer alli es eliminar todo monstruo que aparesca... es todo.
La dificultad de esto es que los monstruos tomaran el nivel y dificultad segun el nivel del party.
También que para terminar de completar el PQ, debes eliminar 2 Pianus, 1 en cada lado.
Otro video:
Kenta’s Goggles
Level: 80
+5 STR
+5 DEX
+5 INT
+5 LUK
+60 Weapon DEF
+60 Magic DEF
+100 MaxHP
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Para obtener esos lentes, necesitas 100 Scales... Y el unico que da los Scales es Pianus!, asi que en total serian 2 Scales por PQ. Lo bueno es que si uno obtiene un Scale, el Party también la obtendra automaticamente.
Escape (Nivel 120+):
Este Party Quest también como el de Kenta in Danger, tendra efectos en cuanto al nivel del party.
Habla con Jenn para ingresar al PQ y puede ser de almenos 3 personas.
Debes completar los 7 Stages para realizar este PQ...
- Stage 1: Jump quest... Almenos 1 persona del party necesita llegar a la cima para que todos entren automaticamente. Nota: Debido a que se puede usar Mounts y el skill para volar en este Stage, no lo hagas, ya que seras automaticamente desconectado.
- Stage 2: Elimina los Grey Vultures y Castle Golems (6 de cada uno).
- Stage 3: Aqui hay 6 mapas, y en cada mapa hay 4 portales. Debes buscar el portal correcto. En frente de cada portal hay un Blood Reindeer. Se cuidadoso porque ellos hacen un gran daño! Lleva a alguien que los inmobilice o algo asi para luego eliminarlo y entonces poder entrar al portal. También es recomendable soltar algun objeto en la entrada de un portal para indicar que alguien ya ha pasado por ahi y no confundirse en encontrar el portal correcto.
- Stage 4: Eliminar mas monstruos, 7 Grey Vultures y 9 Prison Guard Boars.
- Stage 5: El mismo Jump Quest del Stage 1.
- Stage 6: Basicamente es eliminar monstruos hasta obtener una llave:
También veras esta puerta, lo cual es una celda:
Trata de quitar a los monstruos para dejar la puerta despejada y dar click alli, lo mas recomendable es apretar el boton NPC Chat, ya que si es por click, debes de ser algo preciso.
La celda entonces se abrira y los prisioneros escaparan.
- Stage 7: Elimina a Ani.
Marx Von Leon War Belt
Level: 120
+7 STR
+7 DEX
+150 MaxHP
+50 MaxMP
+2 Weapon Attack
+150 Weapon DEF
+30 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Alma Von Leon War Belt
Level: 120
+7 INT
+7 LUK
+50 MaxHP
+150 MaxMP
+2 Magic Attack
+30 Weapon DEF
+150 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Fox Von Leon War Belt
Level: 120
+7 STR
+7 DEX
+100 MaxHP
+100 MaxMP
+2 Weapon Attack
+100 Weapon DEF
+100 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Nox Von Leon War Belt
Level: 120
+7 DEX
+7 LUK
+100 MaxHP
+100 MaxMP
+2 Weapon Attack
+100 Weapon DEF
+100 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Cora Von Leon War BeltParty Quest Existentes:
Level: 120
+7 STR
+7 DEX
+100 MaxHP
+100 MaxMP
+2 Weapon Attack
+100 Weapon DEF
+100 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Unas mejorias se le han hecho a los Party Quest que ya estan puestos, y estas mejorias son:
- Nueva barra Achievement Ratio, esta te dice cuan cerca estas de terminar el PQ.
- Hay algo llamado Suggested PQ of the day (PQ sugerido del dia). Si haces ese PQ, obtendras un 20% más de EXP! Creo que hay un limite en que estos PQ's sugeridos apareceran.
- Aun no se sabe si sera como KMS, que puedes hacer un PQ en especifico hasta 10 veces al dia, pero esta por confirmarse, asi que aun no sabemos.
- Solo una persona necesita terminar el Jump Quest (En el caso que el PQ tenga uno)
- No obtendras experiencia en el penultimo stage, asi que debes terminar el PQ para recibir la experiencia (excepto los monstruos)
- Los PQ’s tendran nivel de Recomendación.
Henesys PQ:
Rice Cake Topper
Level: 25
Req STR: 4
Req DEX: 4
Req INT: 4
Req LUK: 4
+1 STR
+1 DEX
+1 INT
+1 LUK
+25 Weapon DEF
+20 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 7
Kerning PQ:
Soft Jelly Shoes
Level: 40
+2 STR
+2 DEX
+2 INT
+2 LUK
+20 Weapon DEF
+10 Magic DEF
+5 Speed
+40 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 5
Ellin Forest PQ:
Brilliant Altaire Earrings
Level: 85
+5 STR
+5 DEX
+5 INT
+5 LUK
+5 Speed
+250 MaxMP
+90 Magic DEF
+40 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 5
Scissors of Karma may be used.
Romeo & Juliet PQ:
Romeo’s Pendant
Level: 85
+6 STR
+6 DEX
+6 INT
+6 LUK
+30 Accuracy
+30 Avoidability
+85 Weapon DEF
+85 Magic DEF
+60 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Juliet’s Pendant
Level: 85
+6 STR
+6 DEX
+6 INT
+6 LUK
+30 Accuracy
+30 Avoidability
+85 Weapon DEF
+85 Magic DEF
+60 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Symbol of Eternal Love
Level: 85
+9 STR
+9 INT
+9 DEX
+9 LUK
+10 Speed
+5 Jump
+60 Accuracy
+60 Avoidability
+1 Weapon Attack
+1 Magic Attack
+120 Weapon DEF
+120 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 3
Lord Pirate PQ:
Fashionable Lord Pirate Hat
Level: 100
+12 STR
+12 DEX
+12 INT
+12 LUK
+8 Speed
+5 Jump
+200 MaxHP
+200 MaxMP
+100 Weapon DEF
+100 Magic DEF
Number of upgrades available: 7
Orbis PQ:
Minvera’s Shoes
Level: 75
+3 STR
+3 DEX
+3 INT
+3 LUK
+5 Speed
+5 Jump
+45 Weapon DEF
+45 Magic DEF
+40 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 5
Minvera’s Bracelet
Level: 75
+1 Weapon Attack
+1 Magic Attack
+120 Accuracy
+35 Weapon DEF
+35 Magic DEF
+40 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 5
Hoblin PQ:
Rex’s Perfect Red Earrings
Level: 125
+8 STR
+8 DEX
+1 Weapon Attack
+1 Magic Attack
+100 Weapon DEF
+100 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 6
Rex’s Perfect Blue Earrings
Level: 125
+8 DEX
+8 LUK
+1 Weapon Attack
+1 Magic Attack
+100 Weapon DEF
+100 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 6
Rex’s Perfect Green EarringsModificaciones en los Skills:
Level: 125
+8 INT
+8 LUK
+1 Weapon Attack
+1 Magic Attack
+100 Weapon DEF
+100 Magic DEF
+80 Charm EXP
Number of upgrades available: 6
Iba a colocarselos mas bonitos, pero tuve problemas con el Blog y ya habran notado que la información habia estado incompleta, asi que en otra ocasion lo hago y les dejare solo la información directa desde Nexon:
Explorer Warrior – 1st job
- Power Strike: Damage has been increased.
- Slash Blast: Damage has been increased.
- Power Guard skill has been changed to Power Reflection.
- Power Reflection: [New Skill – 2nd job] Partially absorb the enemy's attack and reflect it back at the attacker with amplified damage. Damage Reflection effect is also applied to ranged attacks.
- Enhanced Basics: Removed. The SP that was already used in the increased Basics will automatically be applied to Physical Training.
- Physical Training: [New skill – 2nd job] Permanently increases STR and DEX by up to 30.
- Ground Smash: Maximum enemy targets and damage have been increased.
- Improving HP Recovery skill has been changed to Self-Recovery.
- Self-Recovery: [New skill – 3rd job] Upon mastering the skill, 80 HP and 40 MP are automatically recovered every 4 seconds. The effects are applied even while fighting.
- Panic: Cooldown applied, but maximum enemy targets and damage have been increased. Only 2 Combo Counts are used upon usage. Panic's Darkness effect now also applies to boss monsters. Attack range has been increased.
- Coma: Damage has been increased and only 1 Combo Count is used upon usage. Coma's Knock Back effect does not wear off during its duration. Attack range has been increased.
- Brandish: At Skill Lv. 1, it can hit up to 3 enemies.
- Monster Magnet: Damage has been increased. As the skill level goes up, the maximum number of enemies it can hit increases. Different icons will be shown for different notifications.
- Rush: Rush distance has been increased.
- Intrepid Slash: It can now hit up to 4 enemies. Different effects will be shown based on the type of weapon equipped.
- Achilles: Has been removed. SPs that were assigned to Achilles will automatically be assigned to Advanced Final Attack.
- Advanced Final Attack: [New skill – 4th job] Significantly increases Final Attack's success rate and damage. Also increases Weapon Attack and Accuracy.
Page/White Knight/Paladin
- Power Guard: Damage reflection amount has been increased. Also, change has been made to apply the damage reflection effect to range attacks.
- Enhanced Basics: Removed. The SP that was already used in the increased Basics will automatically be applied to Physical Training.
- Physical Training: [New skill – 2nd job] Permanently increases STR and DEX by up to 30.
- Ground Smash: Maximum enemy targets and damage have been increased.
- Fire Charge: Graphical effect has been changed.
- Ice Charge: Graphical effect has been changed.
- Lightning Charge: Graphical effect has been changed.
- Charged Blow: Damage has been significantly increased. No matter the skill level, maximum number of enemies it can hit has been fixed to 4. Graphical effect has been changed.
- HP Recovery: Recovery amount and cooldown have been decreased.
- Achilles: Damage decrease amount has been increased.
- Rush: Rush distance has been increased.
- Blast: Damage has been increased.
- Heaven's Hammer: Graphical effect and action have been changed.
- Advanced Charge: Damage has been significantly increased.
- Divine Shield: Can now guard all attacks properly and 1.5 seconds of invincibility time is provided when guard effect is triggered.
Spearman/Dragon Knight/Dark Knight
- Enhanced Basics: Removed. The SP that was already used in the increased Basics will automatically be applied to Physical Training.
- Physical Training: [New skill – 2nd job] Permanently increases STR and DEX by up to 30.
- Ground Smash: Maximum enemy targets and damage have been increased.
- Elemental Resistance: Amount of resistance has been increased.
- Sacrifice: Amount of HP consumed when using the skill has been decreased significantly.
- Dragon Roar: Amount of HP consumed when using the skill has been decreased significantly. Skill usage requirements have been eased.
- Dragon Buster: Damage has been increased.
- Dragon Wisdom: Dragon Wisdom's effects now apply to all skills.
- Dragon Blood: Removed. The SPs that were assigned to Dragon Blood will automatically be assigned to Dragon Strength.
- Dragon Strength: [New skill – 3rd job] Significantly increases STR stat for a set time. Upon mastering the skill, you can increase the STR by 60.
- Monster Magnet: Damage has been increased. As skill level goes up, maximum number of enemies it can hit increases.
- Achilles: Removed. SPs that were assigned to Achilles will automatically be assigned to Dark Impale.
- Dark Impale: [New skill – 4th job] Rapidly attacks multiple enemies and ignores their defense at a set value.
- Berserk: When Berserk's effects take place, damage and movement speed also increase. Dragon Buster attack count increase has been removed.
- Hex of the Beholder: A portion of Beholder's counterattack damage is now absorbed as Dark Knight's HP.
Dawn Warrior
- Power Strike: Damage has been increased.
- Slash Blast: Damage has been increased.
- Soul Blade: Maximum number of enemies it can hit has been set to 5. Attack range has been increased.
- Improving HP Recovery skill has been changed to Self-Recovery.
- Self-Recovery: [New skill – 3rd job] Upon mastering the skill, 80 HP and 40 MP are automatically recovered every 4 seconds. The effects are applied even while fighting.
- Panic: Cooldown applied, but maximum enemy targets and damage have been increased. Only 2 Combo Counts are used upon usage. Panic's Darkness effect now also applies to boss monsters. Attack range has been increased.
- Coma: Damage has been increased and only 1 Combo Count is used upon usage. Coma's Knock Back effect does not wear off during its duration. Attack range has been increased.
- Brandish: Starting Skill Lv. 1, it can hit up to 3 enemies.
Explorer Magician Explorer – 1st job
- Energy Bolt: Damage has been increased.
- Magic Claw: Max number of targets has been increased.
- High Wisdom : [New skill – 2nd job] Raises your INT permanently up to 40.
- Fire Arrow: Damage and range have been increased.
- Poison Breath: Max number of targets has been increased to 6. Graphical effect has been changed.
- Slow: Master Level has been decreased from 20 to 10.
- Element Amplification : MP consumption has been increased. The amount that damage is increased has been decreased.
- Partial Resistance: Removed.
- Magic Composition: Removed.
- Burning Magic: [New skill – 3rd job] Increases the duration of damage over time attack. Also increases your damage when attacking enemies under damage over time, stun, freeze, darkness, or paralysis.
- Fire Demon: Moved from 4th job to 3rd job. Range and damage over time duration have been increased. The function that removed a target's fire defense has been removed.
- Mana Reflection: Removed.
- Mist Eruption: [New skill – 4th job] Passive effect: Increases Poison Mist’s damage over time. Active effects: Deals damage to enemies by exploding Poison Mists that you have set up (cannot detonate Poison Mists set up by others). Does increased damage to enemies that have been hit by damage over time effects multiple times. Ignores a percentage of enemies’ defense.
- Arcane Aim: [New skill – 4th job] Ignores a monster's defense by 20%. When attacking an enemy continuously, the final damage can be increased to maximum of 40% more.
- Big Bang: Max number of targets has been raised to 10. A damage over time effect has been added. The color of its graphical effect has been changed to red.
- Infinity: Power Stance effect has been added through the duration of the buff.
- Ifrit: Attack range has been increased. A permanent elemental resistance effect has been added; the amount of resistance can go up to 40%.
- Paralyze: Changed to 3 consecutive attacks. The max target number and damage over time duration have been increased. The damage penalty applied when attacking several enemies has been deleted. The graphical effect has been changed.
- Master Magic: The buff duration has been increased. The effect can be turned on and off.
- High Wisdom: [New skill – 2nd job] Raises your INT permanently up to 40.
- Thunder Bolt: Range and damage have been increased.
- Cold Beam: Changed to 3 consecutive attacks, and damage has been increased.
- Slow: Master Level has been decreased from 20 to 10.
- Storm Magic: [New skill – 3rd job] Has a chance to instantly kill enemies whose HP is 30% or below. Also increases your damage when attacking enemies under damage over time, stun, freeze, darkness, or paralysis.
- Element Amplification : MP consumption has been increased. The amount that damage is increased has been decreased.
- Partial Resistance: Removed.
- Magic Composition: Removed.
- Ice Demon: Moved from 4th job to 3rd job. Range and damage over time duration have been increased. The function that removed a target's ice defense has been removed.
- Glacier Chain: [New skill – 4th job] Damages enemies and draws to in front of you. Has a Freeze effect and does damage over time. Ignores some of enemies’ defense.
- Arcane Aim: [New skill – 4th job] Ignores a monster's defense by 20%. When attacking an enemy continuously, the final damage can be increased to maximum of 40% more.
- Mana Reflection: Removed.
- Big Bang: Max number of targets has been raised to 10. A Freeze effect has been added. The color of its graphical effect has been changed to blue.
- Infinity: Power Stance effect has been added through the duration of the buff.
- Elquines: Attack range has been increased. A permanent elemental resistance effect has been added; the amount of resistance can go up to 40%.
- Chain Lightning: Changed to 4 consecutive attacks. A Stun effect has been added. Range and Max number of targets have been increased. The damage penalty applied to attacks to multiple enemies has been removed. The lightning bolt’s graphic has been widened.
- Master Magic: The buff duration has been increased. The effect can be turned on and off.
- High Wisdom : [New skill – 2nd job] Raises your INT permanently up to 40.
- Holy Arrow: Range, max number of targets, and damage has been increased.
- Heal : Damage has been increased. Master Level has been reduced from 30 to 20.
- Invincible: The amount of both physical and magic damage reduction has be lowered.
- Magic Booster: [New skill – 3rd job] Functions the same as Spell Booster for Mages, temporarily increasing the speed of magic attacks.
- Holy Magic Shell: [New skill – 3rd job] Puts a magic shield on an ally to absorbs damage up to 10 lasts for a duration. Instantly restores 100% HP.
- Elemental Resistance : Removed.
- Summon Dragon : Removed.
- Doom: Magic Rocks are no longer needed to use the skill. Success rate has been increased. Master Level has been reduced from 20 to 10. A cooldown time has been added.
- Holy Symbol: Modified so that even if using the buff alone, the maximum effect will be applied. Range and duration a have been increased. MP consumption has been increased.
- Shining Ray: Changed to 3 consecutive hit skill. Casting speed has been increased.
- Holy Focus: Modified so that its Critical Rate bonus applies to all attacks in addition to Heal. It also now increases Magic Mastery. The amount the Critical Tate is increased has been decreased slightly.
- Holy Shield: Removed.
- Mana Reflection: Removed.
- Advanced Blessing: [New Skill – 4th job] Significantly raises party members’ ATT, Magic ATT, Weapon DEF, Magic DEF, Accuracy, Avoidability, Max HP, and Max MP for a set time and decreases MP usage by a percentage. Can be
- stacked with other buff skills, excluding Bless. Required Skill: Bless Lv.15
- Arcane Aim : [New skill – 4th job] Ignores a monster's defense by 20%. When attacking an enemy continuously, the final damage can be increased to maximum of 40% more.
- Big Bang: Max number of targets has been raised to 10. An increased critical rate has been added.
- Infinity: Power Stance effect has been added through the duration of the buff.
- Bahamut: Attack Range has been increased. Upon learning the skill, your resistance to all abnormal status effects will permanently increase, up to 40%.
- Angel Ray: Max number of targets and range have been increased. Graphical effect has been changed.
- Resurrection: Cooldown period has been reduced (10 minutes at Master Level).
- Master Magic: The buff duration has been increased. The effect can be turned on and off.
Blaze Wizard
- Magic Claw: Max number of targets has been increased.
- Fire Pillar: Damage and range have been increased.
- Magic Critical: [New Skill – 3rd job] Permanently increases the Critical Rate and minimum Critical damage.
- Element Amplification : The amount that MP consumption is increased has been reduced.
- Fire Strike: Changed to 3 consecutive hits. Damage and range have been increased.
- Elemental Resistance: Removed
Explorer Bowman – 1st job
- Archery Mastery: [New skill] Increases attack range, Accuracy, Avoidability, movement speed, and maximum movement speed.
- Arrow Blow: Damage has been increased (220% at Lv.15). Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15.
- Double Shot: Damage has been increased (155% at Lv.15). Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15.
- Focus: Removed.
- The Eye of Amazon: Removed.
Hunter/Ranger/Bow Master
- Double Jump: [New skill – 2nd job] Allows you to jump a second time while in the air after jumping.
- Physical Training: [New skill – 2nd job] Permanently increases STR and DEX by up to 30.
- Enhanced Basics: Removed.
- Power Knock-Back: Removed.
- Silver Hawk: Moved from 3rd job to 2nd job. Summoning Rock is no longer consumed upon usage.
- Drain Arrow: [New skill – 3rd job] Fires an arrow that can absorb the opponent's HP.
- Mortal Blow: Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15. When the Instant Kill effect takes place, a portion of HP and MP are now recovered.
- Puppet: Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15. When the Puppet is summoned, monsters now always attack the puppet first.
- Inferno: Damage and damage over time have been increased. Graphical effect has been changed.
- Arrow Rain: Master Level has been lowered from 30 to 20. Attack speed and range have been increased. Changed into a 3-hit attack skill.
- Phoenix: Moved from 4th job to 3rd job. Master Level has been lowered from 30 to 20.
- Strafe: Master Level has been lowered from 30 to 20.
- Evasion Boost: All attacks used within 1 second after dodging will be critical hits.
- Concentrate: Moved from 4th job to 3rd job. Cooldown time has been removed.
- Thrust: Removed.
- Spirit Link: Phoenix: [New skill – 4th job] When the Phoenix is summoned, increases Total Damage, Max HP, DEF, Magic DEF, and all elemental resistance. Required Skill: Lv.20
- Illusion Step: [New skill – 4th job] Significantly increases Avoidability and DEX for a duration. Required Skill: Concentrate Lv.5
- Ultimate Inferno: [New skill – 4th job] Increases Inferno’s damage and damage over time. Required Skill: Inferno Lv.20
- Advanced Final Attack: [New skill – 4th job] Significantly increases Final Attack's success rate and damage. Also increases Weapon Attack and Accuracy.
- Elite Puppet: [New skill – 4th job] Summons an Elite Puppet that can attack and can absorb received damage. Required Skill: Puppet Lv.15
- Hurricane: You can now use potions while using Hurricane.
- Marksmanship: Amount of defense ignored has been increased. Max HP increase has been changed into Accuracy increase.
- Dragon's Breath: Removed.
- Hamstring: Removed.
- Vengeance: Removed.
- Double Jump: [New skill – 2nd job] Allows you to jump a second time while in the air after jumping.
- Physical Training: [New skill – 2nd job] Permanently increases STR and DEX by up to 30.
- Golden Eagle: Moved from 3rd job to 2nd job. Summoning Rock is no longer consumed upon usage.
- Enhanced Basics: Removed.
- Power Knock-Back: Removed.
- Iron Arrow: The damage penalty that was applied when striking mulitiple monsters has been removed.
- Concentrate: [New skill – 3rd job] Increases Attack Power and decreases MP consumption amount for a set time.
- Frostprey: Moved from 4th job to 3rd job. Master Level has been lowered from 30 to 20.
- Dragon's Breath: Moved from 4th job to 3rd job. Master Level has been lowered from 30 to 20.
- Mortal Blow: Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15. When the Instant Kill effect takes place, a portion of HP and MP are now recovered.
- Puppet: Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15. When the Puppet is summoned, monsters now always attack the puppet first.
- Ice Shot: Damage has been increased. Graphical effect has been changed.
- Arrow Eruption: Master Level has been lowered from 30 to 20. Attack speed and range have been increased. It has changed into a 3-hit attack skill.
- Strafe: Master Level has been lowered from 30 to 20.
- Evasion Boost: All attacks used within 1 second after dodging will be critical hits.
- Thrust: Removed.
- Spirit Link: Freezer: [New skill – 4th job] When Freezer is summoned, increases Total Damage, Max HP, Max MP, DEF, Magic DEF, and all elemental resistance. Required Skill: Frostprey Lv.20
- Illusion Step: [New skill – 4th job] Significantly increases Avoidability and DEX for a duration. Required Skill: Concentrate Lv.5
- Elite Puppet: [New skill – 4th job] Summons an Elite Puppet that can attack and can absorb received damage. Required Skill: Puppet Lv.15
- Ultimate Strafe: Damage has been increased.
- Snipe: Ignores a percentage of a monster's defense. Grants a bonus Critical chance. Graphical effect has been changed.
- Piercing Arrow: Damage and range have been increased. Post-attack delay has been significantly decreased.
- Marksmanship: Amount of defense ignored has been increased. Max HP increase has been changed into Accuracy increase.
- Hamstring: Removed.
- Vengeance: Removed.
Wind Archer
- Archery Mastery: [New skill – 1st job] Increases attack range, Accuracy, Avoidability, movement speed, and maximum movement speed.
- Double Shot: Damage has been increased (155% at Master Level). Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15.
- Focus: Removed.
- Double Jump: [New skill – 2nd job] Allows you to jump a second time while in the air after jumping.
- Storm Break: Removed.
- Thrust: Removed.
- Storm Spike: [New skill – 2nd job] Fires an arrow that can pierce through multiple enemies. Max enemies hit at Master Level: 6
- Strafe: Moved from 3rd job to 2nd job. Master level has been lowered from 25 to 20.
- Wind Walk: Master level has been lowered from 20 to 10.
- Concentrate: [New skill – 3rd job] Increases Attack Power and decreases MP consumption amount for a set time.
- Evasion Boost: [New skill – 3rd job] Permanently increases your chance to dodge enemy attacks. All attacks used within 1 second after dodging will be critical hits.
- Puppet: Master Level has been lowered from 20 to 15. When the Puppet is summoned, monsters now always attack the puppet first.
- Arrow Rain: Attack speed and range have been increased. Changed into a 3-hit attack skill.
- Hero's Will: Can remove almost all abnormal status effects. You can now use Hero's Will even when under the Seal status effect.
- Oz's Flame Gear: Duration has been changed from 15 seconds to 40 seconds.
- Eckhart's Vampire: The issue of abnormally low damage being done has been fixed.
- Ninja Ambush: The issue of Attack power not being applied on the skill properly has been fixed.
- Flashbang: Damage and Accuracy have been decreased. Duration and Cooldown have been modified.
- Perfect Armor: Modified so that the guard effect is activated even in ranged attacks.
- Knock-back skills such as Dragon's Breath have been changed so that they can now knock-back party play monsters.
- Magic Missile: (1st growth) Damage has been increased.
- Magic Shield: (5th growth) Duration and Cooldown time have been increased.
- Dragon Spark: (7th growth) Damage has been increased.
- Dragon Fury: (8th growth) Minimum MP restriction to activate has been reduced. The amount that Magic ATT is increased has been raised.
- Phantom Imprint: (8th growth) The amount of bonus damage done to enemies while under the effects of this skill has been increased.
- Illusion: (9th growth) Ignores up to 15% of an enemy’s defense.
- Blaze: (10th growth) Ignores up to 20% of an enemy’s defense. Effective range that extra damage can be inflicted on nearby monsters has been increased.
Entre otros cambios, tenemos los siguientes:
- Monstros de tesoros fueron agregados.
- Las Party Zones aun dan mas experiencia por tener party.
- Neo City y Gate of the Future han sido reeditados.
- Notificaciones cuando tienes AP/SP sin utilizar, tambien en las Item Pot.
- El minimap ha sido reorganizado segun los NPC y su utilidad, asi como la importancia de los quest.
- World Map de Lion King's Castle y Gate of the Future fueron agregados.
- Quiza el Ratio de la Exp que se gana en partys subio o bajo, aun no se sabe esto.
- Ellin Forest es ahora una party zone! Leechers en 3...2...1...
- Nuevo sistema de transporte: Airplane Rental/Renta de Aeroplano.
Ahora obtendras un mount. En adición a la compra del Aeroplano, debes pagar 5,000 mesos por cada vuelo.
- Hablando de Mounts... Ya no estaran en la ventana de Skills junto con los otros, si no que tendran su propio sitio, lo puedes observar en la ventana de skills:
Existen dos botones, uno que es Guild Skill y el otro es Mount. El Guild Skill es un boton que abrira la ventana del Guild y te mostrara los skills disponibles, mientras que el boton Mount abrira tu información personal y te mostrara los Mounts que tienes y que puedes usar:
- Nueva imagen agregada para quest y eventos, en resumen, el bombillito fastidioso ha sido movido hacia un lado de la pantalla, que indicara que tienes un quest o evento por hacer (YA NO MAS EL BOMBILLITO EN TU CABEZA!!!! Weeeeee~)
- Crimsonwood Keep aun sigue sin ser arreglado.
- El viejo BGM/Cancioncita del Login ha vuelto (la extrañaba).
- Si eliminas monstruos que sean 6 niveles mas bajos que tu nivel, la experiencia, drop, meso y todo lo demas sera reducido (con esto se evita el booting)
- Nueva ventana de eventos, te permitira ver cual es el siguiente evento en MapleStory, ideal para no perderse ninguno.
- Nuevo sistema de busqueda de party.
- Nuevo sistema de bodas.
- Esto se supone que es una silla, pero aparece como Mount (aun no tiene nombre):
Solo se ve la animación de cuando te sientas con la silla, pero segun es Mount, ¿se habran confundido o que?.
- Gachapon Jackpot esta vez tendra Super Stormcaster Gloves: Nivel 50, +12 Weapon/Magic ATT, +12 Weapon DEF, +5 Magic DEF, 1 slot. (¿Bajaran los Stormcasters normales?)
- Habra algo llamado Hourglasses. Los Hourglasses estan en el Cash Shop y estos hacen que el tiempo de un item sea extendido, como por ejemplo, si hay algo importante que deseas usar pero resulta que era parte de un evento y tiene periodo de vencimiento, puedes usar un Hourglasses y extender su tiempo, puede llegarse a extender hasta 365 dias!... Lo contradictorio es que no puede usarse en items que digan esto: ‘Time limit cannot be extended.’ y porsupuesto a items de Cash.
Eso es todo, disculpen los errores pero no se que le paso al Blog que publicaba las cosas mal :/
Les debo los skills bien arregladitos, quiza si lo haga en otro post.
Rezeiha ~!
Gracias por la info :p!! Esta nice el blog :D